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File: 5b74a78d5448bb7⋯.jpg (249.42 KB,2010x1341,670:447,3erj7bt0j3d41.jpg)

30c3d3 No.370311

What aircraft is this?

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c4f0e3 No.370338

File: 785ea6896e23488⋯.png (868.17 KB,1080x1882,540:941,Screenshot_20230411_092700….png)


lol @ "aircraft"

idiot… it's a movie prop

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c4f0e3 No.370339

File: 96a7eacd4dae7b1⋯.png (515.37 KB,989x661,989:661,Screenshot_20230411_092803….png)

you stupid fucking piece of shit

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c4f0e3 No.370340

File: f63b1f7bba62002⋯.png (717.72 KB,1080x2177,1080:2177,Screenshot_20230411_092710….png)

File: 5f45fe037c44cf7⋯.png (739.92 KB,1080x2177,1080:2177,Screenshot_20230411_092724….png)

File: e101c9da4732259⋯.png (519.98 KB,1080x2177,1080:2177,Screenshot_20230411_092820….png)

so…. you had time to create this stupid thread….

but you couldn't fund 6 SECONDS to do a cursory Google search?

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c4f0e3 No.370341

File: 82e6d08ff08a0be⋯.jpg (57.02 KB,550x430,55:43,usaf_saucer1.jpg)

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c4f0e3 No.370342

File: d6550e0979b9d19⋯.jpg (40.8 KB,550x430,55:43,d5582_11.jpg)


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c4f0e3 No.370343


lol @ losers using stupid cliche catchphrases like 'Black Budget', or 'Spike Proteins', able to memorize a two-word trendy slogan, or often times proving their lack of actual knowledge by repeating trailerpark science like 'Clot Shots'….

it's how unemployed uneducated trash play make believe "experts"

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