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faba17 No.370237

ABOUT THAT NEXT "VIRUS": TOO BAD! I'm not letting any bio-weapon or plandemic scare me or my family into any form of subjugation and neither should any of you reading this!! Fuck their alert systems or evacuation policies and overall fuck them!! Never obey these evil lying despotic son-of-a-bitch "health experts" they're NOT "experts" of jack shit other than tyranny and organized crime!!! We all know this video depicts what they desire to transition America into, and I'm here telling you they'd have to k ill a whole lot of us under gun fire to make this actually happen!!! TO THE SCUMBAGS TAKING NOTES ON US: Take your pathetic untrusted dishonorable asses the fuck out of our lives you scumbag war criminals!!!

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bd89d1 No.370246

bumping true news

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461467 No.370302

bumping absolute news

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0d1850 No.370329

bumping real life news

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b8e7e5 No.370877

bumping appreciated news

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6b783c No.371520

bumping rational news

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b06072 No.371931

Tucker Carlson Gets Fired By FOX News, Network Officially Becomes 100% Neocon



MY COMMENT: It's time for real conservatives to completely DUMP any viewership and support for TV news media including Fox News. In fact I'd recommend hitting all of them where it hurts most: CANCEL TV SERVICE ENTIRELY. (Yes I already did the same over a decade ago and it never bothered me, I get all my news from the internet plus I buy DVD sets of all my favorite old shows so there was nothing to lose and money saved long-term).















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cd1c48 No.371997

bumping popular legit news

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d83e5a No.372789

anti-slide 2352 32

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bd89d1 No.373731

bumping factual news

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da321d No.373991

bumping confirmed news

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bd89d1 No.374115

bumping actual news

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faba17 No.375148

bumping reality-driven news

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bd89d1 No.375818

bumping highly respected news

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f98f00 No.377040

bumping absolute news

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da321d No.379989

Never taking your clot shot or getting a social credit score. Fuck you all.

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bd89d1 No.380094

Friendly reminder to defect from all despots no matter what allegiance they claim to be from.

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d5ce48 No.380101


That, literally, determines your social credit score. You will have one whether you like it or not and your refusal to comply will be noted on your record.

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