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File: af1218faf73c3b0⋯.png (706.25 KB,1299x1599,433:533,346346.png)

50c1c7 No.370234




Stalinized History is Coming… How to Prepare

Detach your files from the internet and get hard copy whenever able. Proliferate old works through guerilla lending. Never use cloud storage. Get an old OS for some usage.


MY COMMENT: You'll also want decompartmentalization when it comes to using software and older operating systems! For example using more than one computer, for isolating different online activities, as well using multiple web browsers to isolate your email account(s) from other websites you may routinely visit (which all sites tend to track your information from). Using a VPN and Tor for shitposting is highly recommended too. So would be routinely wiping out the .sqlite browser session caches using programs like Bleachbit. Yes, eventually with tyrannical bullshit like the new "RESTRICT Act" they intend to weaponize the internet and much of it may become too risky to even use anymore! Start getting used to having an offline presence more often and do start protecting your data by any means necessary!! I'd also highly recommend having multiple offline backups of important information. And for God's sake, if the government ever inquires any of your online information, lie and tell them you don't socialize online, you don't have an account to ANYTHING. Don't be extremely stupid by using smartphones, btw. Use the phone as it previously existed for: CALLING PEOPLE.


The Uniparty Con Job Proceeds… BEWARE!

Uniparty GOPers will persecute leftists and uniparty Dems will persecute populists. And most people will consider this fair and even-handed and get viscerally involved because they are lemmings.


MY COMMENT: As warned above, THIS is how they plan political targeting in the dystopian third world future! That's exactly WHY they desire to collapse our economy and to bring us onto a digital currency with a social credit score clot shot passport system!! That's where this is going, and political targeting in the USSA is happening already!!! It's time to abandon any hope of that changing and start adjusting to protect ourselves, and defend ourselves if need be!!!!

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6db0d7 No.370236

All news = 2 mirrored backups, offline, underground and faraday caged.

History will still exist when all is said and done.

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4ff0fe No.370239

alcohol is obviously doing wonders for your paranoid schizophrenia….

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4ff0fe No.370240

File: 539b0618a687eac⋯.mp4 (108.36 KB,256x256,1:1,tmprl4r5dkk.mp4)

dude…… you're so boring

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5c1594 No.370252

bumping international news

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5c1594 No.370253



MY COMMENT: The average American won't know what hit them until it is too late to do anything about it or take action to prevent what is coming! Although there may be a minority of us who are properly prepared, it won't be enough to save this nation of deliberately dumbed down lazy fools!! In other words, you are on your own as this country collapses!! Don't say you were not warned!!!!

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d72f19 No.370958

òIþúÍð›oŽVŸÚžø ðöÃÃymÚÞ¯¦GWïl>Wï1ýåùksÇŸ

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8967aa No.371032

bumping highly respected news

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d5daba No.371220

bumping top notch news

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a908bb No.371271

bumping brilliant news

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a908bb No.371318

bumping international news

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4d8264 No.371512

bumping forbidden top notch legit news

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bec2aa No.371989

bumping reality-driven news

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8b07d0 No.372304

bumping improved news

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cdd741 No.373052

bumping reliable news

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cdd741 No.373190

bumping common sense news

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a908bb No.373332

bumping dependable news

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d1a8d6 No.373355

bumping factual news

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2a2d24 No.373397

bumping top notch news

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00ca4a No.373487

bumping forbidden news

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5c1594 No.374111

bumping real outstanding news

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2a2d24 No.374560

bumping thought-provoking news

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89068c No.374856

bumping well documented true news

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cdd741 No.374896

bumping reality-driven news

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8b3250 No.375040


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8b3250 No.375059


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ad2714 No.375223

bumping reality-driven news

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3ba3bd No.375436


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bec2aa No.375547

bumping substantial news

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c090c9 No.377028

bumping eloquent news

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a908bb No.377605

bumping third world news

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8b07d0 No.379268

bumping improved news

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5c1594 No.380977

bumping significant news

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