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796dc5 No.370233 [Last50 Posts]

Stalinized History is Coming… How to Prepare

Detach your files from the internet and get hard copy whenever able. Proliferate old works through guerilla lending. Never use cloud storage. Get an old OS for some usage.


MY COMMENT: You'll also want decompartmentalization when it comes to using software and older operating systems! For example using more than one computer, for isolating different online activities, as well using multiple web browsers to isolate your email account(s) from other websites you may routinely visit (which all sites tend to track your information from). Using a VPN and Tor for shitposting is highly recommended too. So would be routinely wiping out the .sqlite browser session caches using programs like Bleachbit. Yes, eventually with tyrannical bullshit like the new "RESTRICT Act" they intend to weaponize the internet and much of it may become too risky to even use anymore! Start getting used to having an offline presence more often and do start protecting your data by any means necessary!! I'd also highly recommend having multiple offline backups of important information. And for God's sake, if the government ever inquires any of your online information, lie and tell them you don't socialize online, you don't have an account to ANYTHING. Don't be extremely stupid by using smartphones, btw. Use the phone as it previously existed for: CALLING PEOPLE.


The Uniparty Con Job Proceeds… BEWARE!

Uniparty GOPers will persecute leftists and uniparty Dems will persecute populists. And most people will consider this fair and even-handed and get viscerally involved because they are lemmings.


MY COMMENT: As warned above, THIS is how they plan political targeting in the dystopian third world future! That's exactly WHY they desire to collapse our economy and to bring us onto a digital currency with a social credit score clot shot passport system!! That's where this is going, and political targeting in the USSA is happening already!!! It's time to abandon any hope of that changing and start adjusting to protect ourselves, and defend ourselves if need be!!!!

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ba360e No.370248

bumping common sense news

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d7e9fb No.370266

bumping actual real true verified forbidden third world highly respected well documented legit rational factual top notch popular appreciated dependable educated premium common sense absolute international flabbergasting non-State-run alternative intellectual blacklisted essential certified logical total censored news

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ad456a No.370305

bumping common sense blacklisted news

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ce8fb0 No.370330

bumping true news

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59653b No.370396

bumping actual rational news

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7b76bf No.370687

backing everything up to multiple offline drives bumparoo

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7b76bf No.370702

bumping for the history books BRICS+ backup

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7b76bf No.370716

bumping for thread sanitation

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3e8797 No.370821

bumping common sense backed up news

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5f1982 No.370922

bumping natural news

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5f1982 No.370966

have another news bump

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473fb4 No.370988

bumping vital news

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473fb4 No.371027

bumping real news

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eca501 No.371225

bumping intellectual news

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1554fb No.371273

bumping third world news

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1554fb No.371319

bumping spectacular well informed news

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e4222d No.371496

bumping premium news

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e4222d No.371608

bumping common sense news

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e4222d No.371660

bumping thought-provoking news

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396760 No.371871

bumping independent news

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9ab9d9 No.372008

bumping intellectual news

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1b675f No.372051

bumping spectacular well informed news

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c00a45 No.372098

bumping actual news

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1554fb No.372232

bumping logical news

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a0b860 No.372469

bumping natural news

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81b814 No.372809

bumping independent news

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c7dedb No.372915

bumping non-bias news

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64ca81 No.372951

anti-slide 352 5212352

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d7e9fb No.373054

bumping responsible intelligent news

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103946 No.373089


Bumping news

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1554fb No.373334

bumping logical news

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aadea8 No.373359

bumping international news

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bae763 No.373400

bumping verified news

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4a3fa5 No.373489

bumping reality-driven news

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737d38 No.373887

bumping real American news

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d7e9fb No.374150

bumping verified news

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bae763 No.374555

bumping reliable news

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f82986 No.375147

bumping interesting news

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737d38 No.375219

bumping forbidden news

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fa57a8 No.375272

bumping absolute news

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e0e0c1 No.375338

bumping independent news

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b319e5 No.375386

bumping real American news

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b319e5 No.375424


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a22711 No.375546

bumping verified news

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ba360e No.375849

bumping verified news

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2fb093 No.376212

Historians are backing up everything for future reference, the collapse will be documented for future generations to reflect on and see clearly what happened to Western societies.

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ba360e No.376247


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d7e9fb No.376485


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ba360e No.376836

bumping impelling news

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d169ad No.376890

legit news



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0b294f No.378282

bumping eloquent news

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2fb093 No.379287

anti-slide like it or not

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e5e59c No.379364

I don't expect the internet to last much longer so I have focused on getting everything I want and need backed up offline. I encourage everyone else to do the same.

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abe44d No.379432

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2fb093 No.380039

Preparing for the collapse of America was a very smart idea!

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caece5 No.380245

bumping genuine news

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ba360e No.380288

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ba360e No.380553

bumping well documented news

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a22711 No.380764

bumping undebatable news

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ba360e No.381038

bumping absolute news

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a22711 No.381731

If I had listened to pro-government gatekeepers years ago I'd likely be dead today. Thank God I never trusted them.

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2fb093 No.382070

If I had listened to pro-government gatekeepers years ago I'd likely be dead today. Thank God I never trusted them.

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4a3fa5 No.382192

If I had listened to pro-government gatekeepers years ago I'd likely be dead today. Thank God I never trusted them.

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4a3fa5 No.382209

If I had listened to pro-government gatekeepers years ago I'd likely be dead today. Thank God I never trusted them.

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ba360e No.382392

If I had listened to pro-government gatekeepers years ago I'd likely be dead today. Thank God I never trusted them.

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ad456a No.382442

Glad I prepared for the collapse of the Western world.

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2fb093 No.382910

Glad I got prepared for the worst.

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ba360e No.383036


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7e054a No.383408

radical ideologists destroy everything, that's the only thing they know how to do

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a22711 No.383557

bumping reliable news

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a22711 No.383627

Best backup everything you can while it lasts.

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1554fb No.383756

bumping verified news

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bdc6f0 No.383896

bumping foundational news

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a22711 No.383990

bumping outstanding news

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2fb093 No.384423

bumping brilliant news

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2fb093 No.384502

Too bad America is no longer a free country, no wonder the country is in such rapid decline.

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1554fb No.384659

bumping substantial news

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c7dedb No.385220

The Importance of Physical Media: CD, DVD, Blu-Ray & Books


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d7e9fb No.385524

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000084/2

Some of this news may be a bit outdated. Updates still coming…

Rapidly Losing Faith Americans Push “Doomsday Clock” Closer To End Times


NATO Reaches Last Remaining Weapons Stockpiles As America's Cities Are OVERRUN By Illegals And LOOTERS


The same military-grade rocket launchers being sent to Ukraine are also being found in the possession of Mexican drug cartels.


Putin Gloats Success of Advanced Nuclear Burevestnik Missiles That No Country On Earth Can Counter


The Societal Effects Of Price Inflation And How You Know Things Are Really Going Bad


Robbery and crime will escalate ruthlessly in the coming years! Be prepared to defend yourself and property!

American Employees Begin Walking Out Of Work Due To Massive Crime, Unsafe Working Conditions


DC Neighborhood CVS Retailer Routinely Ransacked By Mobs Will Soon Close Down


Smith & Wesson Celebrates New Tennessee Headquarters After Ditching Massachusetts


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ba360e No.385698

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000093

BEWARE NEO-CONS! China Has A Defense Industry, Whereas The United States Has A War Industry


China is not wasting expensive equipment on endless wars for profit. Just like Russia, IF China uses their weapons it will be to mercilessly and ruthlessly destroy an enemy nation that poses an exponential threat!

Russian Parliament To Vote On ENDING Nuclear Test Ban Treaty


The US government is scrambling to ensure it can supply munitions to Israel in case of a possible ground incursion into Gaza, CNN has reported, citing multiple US officials. US stockpiles are already significantly depleted due to the arming of Ukraine.


US National Security Council spokesman John Kirby suggested on Wednesday that the Pentagon may find itself “at the end of the rope” in terms of long-term assistance to Ukrainedue to the appropriations turmoil.

NATO Forced To Choose Funding & Supporting Israel or Ukraine, They Can't Save Both


EU Divided Over Israel's Violation Of International War Crime Laws


International law states a country cannot attack civilians or cut them off from basic essentials they need to live! Those that do so are committing war crimes which is terrorism!

Israel Responds To EU: Food, Water and Power To Be Restored To Gaza After All Israeli Hostages Released


IDF Dropping Leaflets To Civilians Over Gaza Warning of Pending Attack


Hamas Founder Found Dead, Bombed By Airstrike


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1554fb No.385858

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000103

BRICS Nations Scramble To Come Up With Israeli-Palestine Peace Plan To Stabilize Middle East


Impending Economic Collapse, Mossad-Hamas False Flag Taking America Into World War & Sabotaging BRICS & OPEC+


US Confirms 2nd Carrier Group En Route To Deter Hostile Actions Against Israel


Egypt Reinforces Army On Border With Gaza As Israel Continues Attacks


US Military Agrees To Intercept Hezbollah Missiles


Israeli Defense Force Threatens To Attack ANYONE Against Israel In The Middle East




Massive Anti-war Protests Hit London


Some Palestinians Flee For Their Lives To Beat Israel's Exodus Deadline, Others Decide To Die With Dignity


Genocide In Gaza Will Be Hard To Stomach Admits Mass Murderers


Hamas Claims 26 Hostages Died From Israeli Airstrikes, Including Foreigners, After IDF Finds Several Bodies


Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrests Resulting In DEATH Spiked 30% After COVID “Vaccine” Clot Shots Unleashed


Clot Shot Jab-induced Senseless VIOLENCE And RAGE Spreads To All Major American Cities


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ad456a No.385933

FALSE FLAG CONFIRMED! Israel Ordered Military to Stand Down During Hamas Assault


Jewish Pro-Life Foundation leader Cecily Routman, citing government sources, claimed Netanyahu ordered the stand down to allow Hamas to launch its attack in order to justify Israeli retaliation against Gaza meant to ultimately wipe the Palestinian enclave off the map. “Israel as the most sophisticated intelligence in the world. There is no way the government didn’t know that that was going to happen,” Routman told conservative activist Lauren Witzke in an interview released Saturday.

70% Chance Israel-Hamas War Spreads Beyond Gaza, Threatening Oil


MY COMMENT: Check the last 10 updates of End Times News, it was 100% accurate when the conclusion was determined the Hamas attack was a staged false flag to stir up a major war in the Middle East to undermine the BRICS trade union and OPEC+ which were all in the process of rejecting the US Dollar as a world reserve currency! Get it now!? Got to hand it to Jim Willie and his inside sources.

Impending Economic Collapse, Mossad-Hamas False Flag Taking America Into World War & Sabotaging BRICS & OPEC+


Russian President Putin Interviewed By Chinese Media, His Full Take On Current Events


Majority of Americans Do Not Support Their Political Leadership


Everything Biden says he wants to accomplish by running again — stabilizing the Middle East, uniting Europe, deterring Putin — was already done when he came into office, thanks to President Trump. Biden’s policies and weakness ruined it all.


Major Banks Close Over 3,000 Branches Nationwide


Retired Managing Director of Wealth Management formerly working in Swiss Private Banking, Clive Thompson, said at some point, the global economy will enter a crisis. He believes banks will be closed, then there will be an announcement about the rollout of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). Americans who desire freedom better be prepared to reject this totalitarianism, moving to alternative trade and bartering options.

Mexican Sinaloa Cartel’s Message To Members: Stop Making Fentanyl or Die


The deadly combination of fentanyl in their drugs is killing more people than they can get hooked, meaning loss of profit.

Only 2% Of Americans Have Received New COVID Clot Shot, Propagandists Defeated


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1554fb No.386538

g 34g aWSE GF

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890c85 No.387054

Backing up everything to offline mediums 2.0

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