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File: 1137b137ff908c1⋯.mp4 (1023.96 KB,720x480,3:2,233058538744505049.mp4)

e30fd2 No.370178

Neptune’s Trump rants are likely going to be at an all-time high for a while. time to evacuate from this website altogether

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c88279 No.370181

File: fa8de3bc0a85459⋯.jpg (156.57 KB,1593x1656,177:184,Picsart_23_04_05_06_28_10_….jpg)



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c88279 No.370182


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c88279 No.370185

Fragile easily bruised egos seem to confuse "name calling" and "MAKING SIMPLE OBSERVATIONS"

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c88279 No.370186


Simple observations like the fact that you don't have a fucking job and you don't have any money and you don't get any pussy and you are a douchebag COWARD who runs with your tail between your legs

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c88279 No.370187

That's not name calling

It has nothing to do with being insecure

you in fact DO NOT have a job

you DONT have money

you DONT get pussy

and you have clearly demonstrated your propensity for running away with your tail between your legs

Even more embarrassingly, you think you can rally the troops and convince other people to behave like cowards, begging them to also run away with their tails between their legs just like you

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c88279 No.370188

Perhaps if you were able to control your behavior and limit your chat room antics to hours that wouldn't clearly indicate your lack of employment?

That way, nobody could make the simple observation that you don't have a job

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