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e08638 No.370086

Global DE-DOLLARIZATION ACCELERATES as China, India and Brazil DITCH the Dollar



You were warned.

BE PREPARED: >>>/pnd/367384

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2b87b6 No.370087


Not surprisingly, this story is completely untrue, and the only mention of it has appeared in garbage fake news sites like tiktok, bitchoute & brighten


Typical trailer park Facebook conspiracy theory garbage

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2b87b6 No.370088


I know a couple people in REAL LIFE who arealmost as stupid as you are, and both if them have mentioned this same stupid conspiracy theory…



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2b87b6 No.370089

all three of you are idiots

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2b87b6 No.370090

none of you knows jack shot about anything

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092cec No.370110

bumping real life news

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dce9fc No.370156

bumping international news

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dce9fc No.370164

bumping real news

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030d11 No.370198

bumping total news

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ef1913 No.370230

bumping dependable news

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2dc452 No.370249

bumping premium news

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f3300d No.370303

bumping forbidden third world news

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a7ddee No.370328

bumping highly respected news

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d4fe20 No.370669

bumping third world news

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0efad7 No.370871


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fa1e5e No.371649

bumping legit factual news

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4a9f40 No.371998

bumping appreciated news

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dd7fc6 No.372318

bumping appreciated news

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2dc452 No.373720

bumping earth-shattering news

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f3300d No.374607

anti-slide 236456

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b125e6 No.375159

bumping real news

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3589bb No.375877

bumping third world news

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2dc452 No.376236

anti-fecal bump `13`13`3`5vc24t23e

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6d7ba2 No.376487

anti-slide `1999

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