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File: c72bb60e3578bd1⋯.jpg (4.8 MB,4096x4096,1:1,InCollage_20230403_0832521….jpg)

4c05d4 No.370039

Look at the cartel down in Mexico, they grow everything in pic related and they control Mexico and they're filthy rich, they even made tictoks flaunting their mansions and wealth and helicopters and militia.

I'm not saying you should start a drug cartel I'm just saying that if you want to get rich quick you should consider growing and selling drugs. Don't you want to have lots of money?

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3746df No.370040


Gonna repeat this stupid shit every day until we like it, eh?

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4c05d4 No.370050


If you did this you wouldn't be 40 years old and still living in your mothers basement with no pussy

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0e901f No.370063


what is YOUR reason for being unemployed?

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0e901f No.370064


it's a WEEKDAY……

you don't have a job

which means you can't afford wifi



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0e901f No.370065


I realize everybody likes to accuse you of living in mommy's BASEMENT

but that's not true, is it ?…….

nope, you don't live down in her basement…


You don't have a job, which means you don't have any money, which means you cannot support yourself, which means you are basically like a six year old girl

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0e901f No.370066


It's amazing you didn't stop to realize everybody instantly recognizes you don't have a job

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0e901f No.370068


>watches tiktok

>ADMITS watching tiktok

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0e901f No.370070

File: b22dcb866e82967⋯.jpg (1.78 MB,3464x3464,1:1,Picsart_23_04_03_12_28_39_….jpg)

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0e901f No.370071


here's an even better idea :


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0e901f No.370072

File: a273abb312bb06e⋯.png (688.16 KB,924x717,308:239,Screenshot_20230403_123122….png)

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0e901f No.370073


RE: the cystic acne on your butt cheeks


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0e901f No.370074

File: 9b3474b6a3383f4⋯.jpg (206.64 KB,1392x1080,58:45,Picsart_23_04_03_12_34_50_….jpg)

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7cc0b6 No.370092


My reason for being unemployed? Well because jobs around me don't pay fuck unless you get a degree which I'm almost completing

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c434f1 No.370093

Brr, brrr, brrrr unemployed…MOOCH, brrrrrr. You can call me unemployed, you can call me late for dinner. I'm officially unemployed, but I still work.

Look at these assholes saying "mom's basement" and "mooch", FUCK YOU! You should be cheering cbdc's, that'd make my way of living impossible. This system sucks, I'm considering OP's advice.

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