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3ef559 No.370030

Declassified Twitter Code Reveals US Government Had Backdoor Access To CENSOR User Content!

On Friday, Twitter released the recommendation algorithm portion of its code by publishing it on GitHub, where developers post open source software data. Developer Steven Tey dug into the code and found that there is a mechanism through which the US government can "intervene" with the code.

"When needed, the government can intervene with the Twitter algorithm," Tey wrote. "In fact, @TwitterEng (Twitter Engineering) even has a class for it – 'GovernmentRequested.'"

Tey linked directly to the code on GitHub: https://github.com/twitter/the-algorithm/blob/ec83d01dcaebf369444d75ed04b3625a0a645eb9/product-mixer/core/src/main/scala/com/twitter/product_mixer/core/functional_component/marshaller/response/urt/item/forward_pivot/SoftInterventionDisplayTypeMarshaller.scala#L22

On March 17, Musk announced he was going to make the algorithm open source later in the month and said, "Our 'algorithm' is overly complex & not fully understood internally. People will discover many silly things , but we’ll patch issues as soon as they’re found!"

Tey also found that a Twitter user's "following-to-follower ratio matters and that page rankings get reduced for users who have "a low number of followers but a high number of followings."

The algorithm gives a boost to Twitter Blue subscribers. Twitter also categorizes four user groups, "power users," "Democrat users," "Republican users," and "@elonmusk to "track and compare" the frequency of tweet impressions on other users.

Tey identified factors that impact whether or not a user will make the "For You" recommendation and some factors that could have a negative impact on one's "reputation score" such as getting blocked or muted."

Presidential elections also impact the algorithm and how a candidate would appear for a user to follow.

Tey's discovery of the "GovernmentRequested' intervention option in the code follows revelations from the Twitter files, a series of reports detailing internal discussions at Twitter under its previous management.

The files detailed the company's censorship efforts and collusion with government agencies towards those goals. One batch of the files by Michael Shellenberger showed that there were many former FBI agents on staff at Twitter while then-FBI Supervisory Special Agent Elvis Chan served as the lead operative in requesting Twitter censor many stories, including those around Hunter Biden's "laptop from hell."

Another batch of the files showed that federal agencies, including the FBI and Department of Homeland Security, partnered with contractors to "pressure Twitter to moderate content" and would use information portals to send constant information to Twitter on what accounts to restrict.


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ea44d0 No.370062

bumping censored news

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ea44d0 No.370084

bumping legit real news

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6beec2 No.370111

bumping blacklisted truthful news

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515cb9 No.370144

bumping forbidden news

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515cb9 No.370163

bumping dependable news

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df974c No.370203

bumping dependable news

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27f730 No.370231

bumping appreciated blacklisted news

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d1154d No.370250

bumping dependable news

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829ab0 No.370304

bumping top notch news

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9a829a No.370331

bumping more forbidden news

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a8ea97 No.370684

bumping blacklisted & forbidden legit news in a dying empire gone mad

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b3096e No.370920

bumping non-State-run news

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b3096e No.370964

bumping real news

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e25955 No.370986

bumping highly respected news

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e25955 No.371023

bumping reality-driven news

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cf4d22 No.371317

bumping verified news

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c40f23 No.371514

bumping brilliant real news

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fdaeaf No.371988

bumping well documented news

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c6df9d No.372034

bumping verified news

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0d2c4c No.372099

bumping forbidden news

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cf4d22 No.372233

bumping common sense news

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d78235 No.372456

bumping genuine news

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c64fdb No.373044

bumping solid news

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c64fdb No.373187

bumping top notch news

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6f8cce No.373349

bumping substantial news

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829ab0 No.374603

anti-slide 896023

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d1154d No.375778

bumping reality-driven news

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c64fdb No.376424

bumping impelling news

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81fae8 No.377400

bumping highly respected news

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817064 No.379262

bumping predictable news

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d1154d No.380976

bumping non-bias news

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817064 No.382049

bumping real life news

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