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ae545e No.369939

Should we take this pill on a mass scale? If a significant portion of us engages in shadow operations against the elite; not only will they not be able to mobilize against us but they will never see us coming. In order to take this pill, we must learn 1) How to disappear and 2) How to engage hundreds of men at once through wit and finesse.

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7bf468 No.369941


Modern hero movies are fake, gay and lame.

However, yes having some basic OPSEC will help protect you from societies scumbags and despots which there are A LOT of today.

Engaging with more than one person is just asking to get your ass beat to the curb. Stop watching fake and gay fictional movies that are literally impossible fairy tails.

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41ea85 No.369950


Batman literally worked FOR the elite. He is the elite. He worked for the government, the Law, the cops. Might want a pick a different metaphor if you're going to LARP as an anarchist.

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