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780a8a No.369922

Louisiana AG Shares Startling Findings On Censorship Collusion Between Government And Big Tech

Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry gives a sobering breakdown of the insidious nature of government collusion with Big Tech corporations to censor Americans, violating their 1st Amendment rights using algorithms and flagging operations.

Specifically, Landry, notes the problem of lack of consequences for government officials caught using their positions to suppress free speech.

Louisiana along with other red states are currently engaged in a lawsuit against the federal government in an effort to remove the veil obscuring vast operations to silence alternative information in favor of official narratives and propaganda.

Democrats have been increasingly hostile towards those investigating Big Tech censorship, including journalist Matt Taibbi, a former Democrat now helping Elon Musk release the Twitter Files. The general argument on the political left is that private companies "have a right to censor" whoever they want. In other words, they are no longer denying that the censorship exists, rather, they are defending it as legal.

The problem is that they are oversimplifying the issue. Government collusion with corporations to censor Americans is in fact illegal according to the US Constitution. Just because they use Big Tech as the middle-man does not mean the law is not being broken.

The dangers inherent in mass censorship cannot be understated, and while civil litigation might be an option for those people censored by the government there also needs to be criminal investigations and consequences for the same activities. Otherwise, there is no incentive for the censorship to stop - it will go on forever.


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55c9da No.369996

shut it

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be77b8 No.370055

bumping certified news

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be77b8 No.370078

factual rational news anti-slide

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f13c03 No.370222

bumping highly respected news

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826016 No.370932

¦/wuà¯I¯ˆwrîÉ)>Mçvf]­þÍy>—àxSÆÂÆ;ûχÿ 4©•á³Ö´ÙÒ~«²vÛå·Ly›zýêê|Kð_øW¯Á§øïOÖ¾xŽ“ìZÅõ´²

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