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72a796 No.369898

Will the Western world embrace a new multi-polar world with respect for national sovereignty and multi-currency global trade… or will the Western world become isolated and collapse into irrelevancy and fiscal insolvency? What is your take on the massive geo-political and economic shifts towards de-dollarization and nation states standing their ground against corrupted neo-con/commie special interests? What does /pnd/ think about these issues? Are the Jews losing, or are they winning, with this new paradigm shift? Obviously with the new draconian "RESTRICT Act" being pushed by Congress, it seems like they are getting very desperate to maintain hegemony and population control over as many people as possible.

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fbbaf8 No.369899

>>369898 How I think 2050 will look:

> The future will have no "rich, ethnically homogeneous, peaceful" Western world with people allowed to say what they want.

>Communists countries may remain ethnically and culturally homogeneous.

>Most of Europe will be at least 75% Arabic and predominantly of the Muslim faith. Consequently terrorist attacks will increase and the rights of women, non-arabs, non-Muslim, black people, Jewish people, and more will be questioned and those minorities rights will be reduced. Sharia law may be passed in European countries and other ugly things like genital mutilation, state enforced gender/racial based discrimination, violence against minorities, etc. will become normal.

>The dollar will have significantly less value. This may be true as well with other Western countries regarding their currencies, too.

>People will spend less on non-necessities / luxurious and become more spartan in their spending. Likewise luxurious and entertainment may reduce.

>Muslims will reinforce propaganda and reinforce hatred against dissent - Muhammed cartoons may cause deaths, people aren't allowed to talk about the issues of the Muslim Holy Books.

>Issues with Muslim Holy books here: [https://youtube.com/@acts17polemics/videos]

>Of course most Western countries will pass laws outlawing many forms of freedom of speech.

>Welfare will be reduced as most Western countries cannot afford to enable it as much as they do today.

Sender: Zumiez

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87c084 No.369916

The whole Russia-China fear mongering is just another way to scare the American public to accept more tyranny. The truth is the US government does not care about what Russia or China does: their emotion is all a facadé, an act, it's PR virtue signaling at best. The truth is they want you scared so they can come into your personal life and act like big brother to "save us" from the next boogeyman. Of-course by "saving us" they really mean taking more and more liberty from the people away and empowering bigger government. It's all about population control, endless bureaucracy and keeping the debt bubble growing. I'm not afraid of Russia or China when it's our own government and many corrupt politicians clearly trying to ruin this once-great nation.

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87c084 No.369917


If that ever comes to pass then I'm glad I am old today and will be dead by then.

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e921e4 No.369946


Had to re-read this again, because I think you hit the nail on the head what EXACTLY the communists strive to see happen to the Western world ….but…..

>Communists countries may remain ethnically and culturally homogeneous

Today that would include the US and most vassal states in Europe as well. LOL if you think we actually have an industrialized free market capitalist economy anymore, so what makes us so different from other communist nations? Is it an anti-white bias? What about the Russians, are they not white too?

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