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e2ac64 No.369877

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RESTRICT_Act

* https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/118/s686/summary

* https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/686/text?s=1&r=15

The RESTRICT Act (S.686) has now been introduced into U.S. Congress. If passed, it could mean a lot of things.

Some highlights:

The U.S. Government has the right to ban anything on the Internet if they claim it is a «risk» to integrity, national security etc.

If an internet service has >1M users, they may be forced to hand over any and all personal user data without reason or notice

Use of VPNs/proxys may result in up to 20 years jail time

Probably a lot of other stuff I'm leaving out..reply if you have some

From what I've figured out, this bill is basically the Patriot Act on steroids. I'm suspecting the U.S. is trying to build its own Great Firewall, given this act seems to pave the way for it. If this gets passed(and any future bills),, how would 8kun be affected?

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ee5fc4 No.369878

in other words, nothing changes.

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fa9f62 No.369892


This shit is much much worse than modern censorship and surveillance. This legislation would turn average law-abiding American citizens into criminals just for normal dissent, as the government could (and would) deem anything "foreign propaganda" even allowing them to RICO publishers of information and undesirable software/media. This is as unconstitutional as it gets, Chinese-style tyranny.

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fa9f62 No.369893

Unconstitutional RESTRICT Act Would Give US Government Power To Outlaw Undesirable News And Social Media

If you thought governmental outsourcing of surveillance and censorship on social media was bad enough when revealed after the Twitter leaks, now even more absurd and abusive draconian measures are being proposed by a control freak government and crooked politicians. The RESTRICT Act seeks to re-define the 1st and 4th Amendments when it comes to anything "National Security" (or related). Under this new legislative proposal, the government could deem anything (news, comments, dissent, speech and even critical thought in it's entirely) "foreign propaganda", making it a criminal offense to publish and seeking legal political retribution and criminal charges against any American who publishes or speaks out in any undesirable way which is claimed to impact "National Security" - and by doing so - effectively OUTLAWING both the protections of the 1st and 4th Amendments of the United States Constitution for American citizens.

This bill is as evil and draconian as it gets, just as bad - if not even more tyrannical - than Chinese internet censorship policies. This would effectively set up a weaponized Great Firewall over America's domestic online communications, even seeking to outlaw the use of foreign encryption schemes! Imagine the social consequences if the US government started banning VPN and Tor use! This would surely drive many people away from socializing online due to new legal and financial risks.

Anyone who wishes the internet - and our freedom of speech - to exist as it has should be alarmed and pressuring politicians to abandon such totalitarian legislation! This is NOT a "Democrat" or "Republican" issue, this is a Constitutional issue: the right to have an opposing opinion without being charged as a criminal. If the RESTRICT Act passes, you can kiss nearly ALL Constitutional rights goodbye, including a massive swath of existing information online too.

Even the ACLU is challenging this now.









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fa9f62 No.369894


> Use of VPNs/proxys may result in up to 20 years jail time

IF this passes millions of people will be fleeing social media and possibly not even using the internet anymore.

>how would 8kun be affected?

You can bet ANY image board not under their direct control would be shut down and/or the users hunted. This will destroy and obliterate the integrity of the internet AS WELL the United States, in it's entirety!

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477ef0 No.370673

bumping legit factual news

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1f8ba9 No.371528


When free speech is outlawed you know for a fact you are living in an empire of lies.

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1f8ba9 No.371529

use VPN+Tor+metaspoofer

routinely wipe the .sqlite browser caches

go back offline

wipe internal OS caches + memory


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8a6e79 No.371855

bumping real American news + everything backed up offline multified

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c21786 No.373029

anti-slide legit 78

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