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File: 116125cfd16a169⋯.jpg (366.62 KB,1080x1957,1080:1957,Picsart_23_03_29_11_05_20_….jpg)

cb3768 No.369847

The documentary in this picture was advertised on Pornhub's Gay Manhole Mountaineer #51' two months after Ted's home invasion and gangrape incident, one week before his arrest. He protested the digital video being recorded, despite enjoying the company of the horny culprits. His very public trial went on to make his gangrape even funnier, and finally he even admits to being boring as fuck and totally irrelevant, yet you can still find conspiracy theorists who will believe anything, as long as it fits their paranoid narrative.

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cb3768 No.369848

File: a9e931d9391d291⋯.mp4 (5.76 MB,576x480,6:5,Backwoods_Buttfuck_.mp4)

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734241 No.369852

File: d34146479717bb9⋯.mp4 (3.21 MB,368x480,23:30,AndroVid_4185.mp4)

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734241 No.369853

File: 386267388a0b1c7⋯.mp4 (9.12 MB,480x480,1:1,Gangraping_Ted.mp4)

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734241 No.369854

File: 9ae5b762a259c50⋯.mp4 (1.11 MB,720x720,1:1,AndroVid_4000.mp4)

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cffbdd No.369862

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001d0c No.369880


>one week before his arrest

He was arrested April 3, 1996


Launched in May 2007

Try lying somewhere else, spaz.

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1f775f No.370024


>doesn't realize Kaczynski was quietly released back into the woods by the Department of Justice to begin a career in porography

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c6127f No.370025


then explain all the videos

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001d0c No.370037


Somehow, I strangely believe this …

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