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File: f17dd3205405750⋯.jpg (233.13 KB,805x1459,805:1459,a_t_a_text_dump_on_green_a….jpg)

11bea7 No.369808

The documentary in this picture was advertised in the journal 'Green Anarchist #51' two years after Ted's arrest. It protested his innocence despite a wealth of crime scene leaks showing Ted to be the culprit. His very public trial went on to make it even more conclusive, and finally he even admits to being the Unabomber today, yet you can still find conspiracy theorists who think he's the fall guy in some false flag or assassinations the government wanted to happen.

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11bea7 No.369809

Forgot to include a link to the source, but here it is anyways:


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d20bcc No.369813

File: e6fb4cb5629128c⋯.jpg (538.13 KB,1080x1472,135:184,Screenshot_20230323_081456.jpg)

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d20bcc No.369814

File: 51a177c3696c38a⋯.jpg (348.12 KB,2177x1080,2177:1080,Picsart_23_03_28_17_23_41_….jpg)

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d20bcc No.369815

File: d8aa61825cb8ad6⋯.mp4 (4.25 MB,640x360,16:9,d8aa61825cb8ad6a8e3c72dbdd….mp4)

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d20bcc No.369816

File: af497b47fab6a82⋯.jpg (673.25 KB,960x1568,30:49,1680094718763.jpg)

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d20bcc No.369817

File: 63070cffcb276fb⋯.jpg (36.63 KB,320x640,1:2,0ebANFSgJpzoS71X4yCR_2_3zc….jpg)

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d20bcc No.369818

File: 6475b570f1b54b3⋯.jpg (627.06 KB,960x1568,30:49,1680095308317.jpg)

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d20bcc No.369819

File: 8fa6e0013f9bf41⋯.jpg (684.82 KB,960x1568,30:49,1680095252011.jpg)

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d20bcc No.369820

File: 51e7f5a635783ee⋯.jpg (32.42 KB,320x640,1:2,0ebANFSgJpzoS71X4yCR_1_oqf….jpg)

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d20bcc No.369821

File: fe8226984ecc9c7⋯.jpg (669.09 KB,960x1568,30:49,1680095386689.jpg)

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d20bcc No.369822

File: 0907900b4feda9f⋯.jpg (40.88 KB,320x640,1:2,0ebANFSgJpzoS71X4yCR_4_zy6….jpg)

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d20bcc No.369823

File: 90b6d7636e88fa2⋯.jpg (660.22 KB,960x1568,30:49,1680095518486.jpg)

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d20bcc No.369824

File: 9111acf5d1cacc5⋯.jpg (35.49 KB,320x640,1:2,0ebANFSgJpzoS71X4yCR_3_l0f….jpg)

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d20bcc No.369825

File: ac9e5bd937ee5d3⋯.jpg (709.4 KB,960x1568,30:49,1680095720770.jpg)

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d20bcc No.369826

File: 995ea8f2a0009cb⋯.jpg (612.83 KB,960x1568,30:49,1680095667340.jpg)

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d20bcc No.369827

File: a22f119ec0fe373⋯.jpg (685.83 KB,960x1568,30:49,1680095764698.jpg)

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d20bcc No.369828

File: 37866fc37561b21⋯.jpg (687.61 KB,960x1568,30:49,1680095619831.jpg)

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d20bcc No.369829

File: 67c8c07bbf6352f⋯.jpg (181.89 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Picsart_23_01_01_15_30_42_….jpg)

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d20bcc No.369830

File: 45b0639d79f6e5c⋯.jpg (49.76 KB,480x480,1:1,Picsart_22_12_31_19_32_10_….jpg)

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d20bcc No.369831

File: 60934c086d75537⋯.jpg (62.06 KB,480x480,1:1,Picsart_22_12_31_19_26_59_….jpg)

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d20bcc No.369832

File: 679d628efeccdb4⋯.jpg (34.73 KB,480x480,1:1,Picsart_22_12_31_19_23_19_….jpg)

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d20bcc No.369833

File: c0f4730cbe36e80⋯.jpg (176.45 KB,1096x1080,137:135,Picsart_22_12_31_19_20_04_….jpg)

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d20bcc No.369834

File: 7fa857b77e7515a⋯.jpg (50.13 KB,480x480,1:1,Picsart_22_12_31_19_09_15_….jpg)

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d20bcc No.369835

File: 796c5fd76b3bbbb⋯.jpg (44.04 KB,480x480,1:1,Picsart_22_12_31_18_35_38_….jpg)

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d20bcc No.369836

File: af6ef3d84e85a66⋯.jpg (212.52 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Picsart_22_12_31_18_38_19_….jpg)

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d20bcc No.369837

File: 0ff3b6a56146874⋯.jpg (72.64 KB,480x480,1:1,Picsart_22_12_31_19_23_53_….jpg)

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d20bcc No.369838

File: c01e6ed093c16da⋯.mp4 (4.63 MB,312x360,13:15,EEEEEEP_.mp4)

I found this video of Ted Kaczynski explaining his philosophy

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d20bcc No.369839

File: 291860d013efe5d⋯.jpg (59.33 KB,433x480,433:480,Picsart_22_12_31_19_22_51_….jpg)

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d20bcc No.369840

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For someone who is so adamantly opposed to technology, Ted Kaczynski sure did enjoy going to Walmart!!

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d20bcc No.369841

File: 8bdc799e8fae317⋯.jpg (294.69 KB,1706x1706,1:1,Picsart_22_12_31_20_06_41_….jpg)

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d20bcc No.369842

File: f2b63efea217057⋯.jpg (48.81 KB,480x480,1:1,Picsart_22_12_31_19_11_59_….jpg)

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d20bcc No.369843

File: 7796f57b7f95400⋯.jpg (38.07 KB,480x480,1:1,Picsart_22_12_31_19_22_02_….jpg)

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d20bcc No.369844

File: 3d81a38d64faacf⋯.jpg (52.89 KB,480x480,1:1,Picsart_22_12_31_19_04_42_….jpg)

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d20bcc No.369845

File: 83c84a7affaac66⋯.jpg (57.86 KB,480x480,1:1,Picsart_22_12_31_18_54_25_….jpg)

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