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File: 5b53a0741c31081⋯.mp4 (9.76 MB,640x360,16:9,proud_boys_.mp4)

31f037 No.369505

HAHAHAHA!! They went to NYC to harass Drag Queen Library Storybook Readers, butTHE DRAG QUEENS BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF THE PROUD BOYS!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!

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31f037 No.369507


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43b0bf No.369508


Never fuck with a man who isn't afraid to wear women's clothing in public.

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31f037 No.369509


these douchebags remind me ifJerry and the guy he caught Hep C from by Sharing Syringes

typical upstanding patriots

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31f037 No.369510


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31f037 No.369511

dude the weather in Atlanta has been crazy today!!

tornadoes and hail and trees flying sideways

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31f037 No.369512

25 ppl killed from the storm today

but thank goodness Jerry doesn't live here

because his chicken coop would have landed in Savannah

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31f037 No.369513

File: e5f960277ed3b5d⋯.jpg (258.11 KB,1087x1080,1087:1080,Picsart_22_12_20_14_47_10_….jpg)

the one tall douchebag PROUD BOY reminds me A LOT of jerry

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31f037 No.369514

running away with a bloody face


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938264 No.369517

by the way :

I'mnotsaying that Jerry's a bad person

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938264 No.369518

because ILIKEJerry

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