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e8a6a2 No.369301


MY COMMENT AFTER RIPPING AND WATCHING THIS FILM: Great documentary, I'm sure this US Marine is correct about most things, EXCEPT ONE THAT I HAVE EXPERIENCE KNOWING AS A BINGE DRINKER: THE HANGOVERS. Hangovers happen because the body is not only de-hydrated, that's only one reason, the other reason is the alcohol DEPLETES vitamins out of your system while your liver is filtering it, especially Vitamins B & E!! The way to fix a hangover is SIMPLE: drink tons of water the next day, with strong Vitamin B complex and liquid Vitamin E drops! Wait about an hour and it will go away: 100% TRUE. Also, as he said, the liver can be fully restored too. Any damage the liver takes CAN be detoxified. The problem is that most alcoholics do not detox and that's why they suffer later on. That means HELL YES you can live an old age and still be a heavy drinker, totally physically possible with the right detoxing!

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cf3a8f No.369397


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

cf3a8f No.369398


there's no difference between you and JERRY USING SYRINGES TO INJECT HEROIN

just two weak addicts.

both with liver disease

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