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File: 3f23d56fe8ce01a⋯.jpg (46.38 KB,555x369,185:123,malthusian_catastrophe.jpg)

9c115e No.369250 [Last50 Posts]

The pain of advancing age really sucks.

Japan life expectancy is 85, which is the only thing staving off their Population Collapse. Worldwide, more adult diapers are made than infant diapers. I've known since I was a kid, growing up reading Thomas Malthus and being in societies that had policies severely limiting the amount of children one could have, that the Boomers Are Wrong about Overpopulation.We are heading for a MASSIVE POPULATION COLLAPSE in the next 20 years.We better pray for AI to be benevolent and create robots to take care of our old asses because not enough young people will exist to enslave themselves to taking care of the elderly. We gotta fix the minds of young people too. They're insane from listening to confused Elite Boomers who actually think there's an "overpopulation problem" and that all "Humans Are bad, mmmkay?" They're completely wrong and stuck in an old paradigm.

I have 2 videos to support my claim:

First of all, many young people in Western countries are confused about their Identity, and many are unable to recognize Objective TRUTH.

Case In Point: https://bitchute.com/video/-Mu6rABgK9A/

And yes, AI is a huge threat to humanity and survival of the species. But Population Collapse is too; and unless we do something about it, WE ARE DOOMED.

Watch Elon Musk explain it: https://bitchute.com/video/07bX0esL5Jw4/

'Woke' Corporations, and Western Governments controlled by the Globalist Elite, keep pushing the idea that humans are bad for the environment, when it is THEM Polluting the Planet with their policies and Corporate Industrial Practices. Yes, we need change, and we need to Pollute Less, however…

> For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

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9c115e No.369251

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I'll Just Leave This Here…


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000000 No.369254

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.



This a Top/Down Enforced Religious Ideology related to Transexualism & Transhumanism.

Here's a VERY Interesting Monologue…


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553bd1 No.369261


It's odd how so many young people hate boomers, but once they get older no one will be there to take care of them either. And with AI, governments are going to only get even more despotic and abusive to the overall declining population. Little bootlickers are about to get everything they ever asked for and it won't be any kind of utopia lol.

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d432b3 No.369263


lol "I read it in a book" hahahaha

dude….STFU !!seriously

the only thing you'll ever have is EXPERIENCE or lack thereof

your experiences don't occur in a book

I'm not exactly sure wtf you're accomplishing today, sitting in an empty chatroom DURING A WORKDAY, waxing poetic about old age, a topic you'll be extremely fortunate to ever experience…

dude, I'm not sure how old you are, but let me put things into perspective for you:

I'm 60 now, and I'm not in a diaper, not in a nursing home… in fact, these are the best days of my life

I'm married to a beautiful ABSOLUTE GENIUS woman, (she's literally the smartest person I've ever met- no hit) who is my best friend and loyal life companion.

I get more pussy than any man in his 20s, and together, we are still enjoying this wild ride called "life" .

in fact recently we have both noticed an entirely new wave of "silliness", fun kids stuff… that "innocence of youth" feeling, which is only being enhanced even more by the upcoming Springtime weather…


yep I'm old as fuck….. and I've been getting THE BEST FUCKING DEEPTHROAT ON EARTH

dude I'm a fuckingbastard in bed

and my wife knows that when she goes all the way down, balls deep, IM GONNA START PUSHING AND SHOVING even harder… Basically raping her throat…

she is an EXPERT at taking my special private abuse… outside of our house, the world goes on… unaware that I am being so God damn rude to her throat…

and since I'm experienced in life, I can delay and sustain orgasms, so she basically gets raped down the throat for hours…

and I'm NOT joking… not at all… HOURS

and the asshole ? BINGO!!


her asshole, her snatch AND her throat

all joining forces against my cock

and my fuckstick wins every time

yep… growing old is EXCELLENT

Q: why don't you have a job or a girlfriend?

I'm not being mean… I'm asking you a sincere question

since your yourh gives you this alleged "advantage", then please tell me why you're not emptying your nuts into a bunch of hot young chicks?

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d432b3 No.369264



he doesn't seen to realize :

his entire generation are weirdo mutants, who will never reproduce

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d432b3 No.369265


it appearsthe YOUNG BUCK is about to GET SKOOLED by the OLDSKOOL

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d432b3 No.369266


you created this misguided thread at 2:35 PM EST on WEDNESDAY MARCH 23RD 2023

oddly enough, that's a weekday

people with jobs are at work on Wednesday

last time I checked, weekends begin on Friday afternoon and end on Monday morning….

hmmm….. but you're HERE

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d432b3 No.369267

File: 8bfd5d78a1a42ae⋯.jpg (19.95 KB,930x674,465:337,1023.jpg)

File: fd3b62dba4b6c3f⋯.jpg (42.98 KB,828x466,414:233,Genshin_Impact_anime.jpg)

File: 716fe1288959800⋯.jpg (63.73 KB,600x900,2:3,716fe12889598002cd3f3b9092….jpg)


your generation areABNORMIES

you can't fuck, you can't fight, and you're terrified of looking someone in the eyes

you'll never reproduce

you're going to bring on the end of the human race

because VIDYA

because ANIME

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d432b3 No.369269

File: c4c366f97ebeedc⋯.jpg (230.78 KB,1080x1281,360:427,c4c366f97ebeedcaf1afaa63a2….jpg)


I'm gonna take a wd shot in the dark here, and assume you're not a 15 year old kid anymore

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d432b3 No.369270


Sorry I'm mistyping today. My wife and I are just chilling out at the park, and I'm slightly distracted

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d432b3 No.369271


I'm gonna guess you're not ANYTHINGteen any more…

Somewhere in your twenties, or maybe even early 30s?

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d432b3 No.369272


When I was 15 I wasn't hanging out in an empty chat room pretending to have enough life experience too make empty foolish laughable assumptions about old age, nor was I crediting my vast worldly knowledge too reading a fucking book

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3ce3fd No.369273

hi guys im 17, should i be on this website

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d432b3 No.369274



and when I was 15 I wasn't sitting on my ass playing video games or watching sissy boy Asian cartoons

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d432b3 No.369275



And it has nothing to do with your age

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d432b3 No.369277

When I was 15 I was already working as a doorman at a nightclub in Atlanta. In Buckhead.

I was getting paid $150 a night tax-free cash (plus all the free alcohol and drugs I could possibly consume) to decide who could and who could and who could not enter the nightclub. I wasn't even old enough to be in the building, but they hired me… because I carried myself like an adult

at 16, I was in a "man & wife" relationship with a hot as fuck blonde registered nurse named Joy…

I was 18 when I got hired as a stripclub DJ, and although I was "flipping strippers" the way a McDonald's cook flips hamburgers, I remained monogamous until joy and I eventually broke up when I was 20 years old.

By the age of 21 I had fucked a couple hundred women, and by the age of 25, it was well over 700 hot women and teenaged girls…

I started my own freelance art business in Atlanta at the age of 15, doing murals and signs and logos and illustrations.

by the age of 27, I was hired at Warner Brothers records as ZZ tops art director, and I had dozens of long term relationships and two amazing wives..

at 32, I married a 16 year old Hottie (it was completely legal in georgia)

oh, I almost forgot….

since the age of 12, I had been painting unique custom made one of a kind Elvis Presley portraits for celebrities.. going backstage and having front row seats to all of my heroes concerts, hanging out and shooting the shit, drinking their beers and in their cheese backstage…

internationally famous Bands and Comedians and actors and the like…



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d432b3 No.369278


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d432b3 No.369279


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d432b3 No.369280


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d432b3 No.369281



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d432b3 No.369282

I was experiencing life….

going clubbing, partying with my buddies, scoring with girls, laughing at rejections, coming back for more…

getting in fist fights…

making close friends….

going to jail…..



You seem convinced that your youth has given you some kind of special ability


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d432b3 No.369283

File: ad55e7287c511b7⋯.png (1.41 MB,1280x1280,1:1,ad55e7287c511b7559046d58da….png)

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d432b3 No.369284


I wouldn't trade places with you for a million dollars

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d432b3 No.369285

File: 46838ce728e3525⋯.jpg (141.16 KB,960x720,4:3,Picsart_22_12_23_21_33_58_….jpg)

this is me fucking my wife in the ass, after raping her God damn throat like it was a rented mule….

notice that I was being a REAL PIECE OF SHIT, and I bossed her around, telling her "pull your stupid snatch ALL THE WAY OPEN bitch!"


perhaps you should go play another videogame?

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d432b3 No.369286


there's not enough money to make me trade places withYOUorYOUTH

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d432b3 No.369287


in fact, theFIFTEEN YEAR OLD MEwouldn't have traded aces with you, either

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d432b3 No.369288

speaking of raping her throat

lol now she's saying "you wish" hahaha

She heard me using speech to text and now she's giving me hell saying "only if you play your cards right Buster!"

(trust me…. I'm raping it when we get home)

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d432b3 No.369289

my wife has an inspirational life story…

she has traveled extensively, and most of it was all by herself, face to face, exploring life on earth

in fact, she successfully hitchhiked Across America and Back four times, all by herself, and never had anything weird happen to her…

not even once

In America alone, she has lived in 13 states and 22 cities….

For varying amounts of time

she was a 100% lipstick lesbian for 11 years…. not a dyke….. a lipstick lesbian… a feminine lesbian, who exclusively fucked beautiful feminine girls.. nothing butch or bulldyke whatsoever…

she got WAY MORE PUSSY than you ever will in your entire life… I guarantee it…. and I've seen the photographs. They were hot young girls, many of them swinging lesbian for the first time with my wife….

11 years without men

because men are disgusting animals


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faafb5 No.369290

File: 7ff896e411bafb0⋯.jpg (180.18 KB,720x720,1:1,1661951256472.jpg)

and my wife is a lot younger than me

she's tough as nails… smart as shit

I couldn't possibly be any more proud


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ade588 No.369291

Wendy just reminded me to tell you that she's talked 5 young girls in the bed with us since we got married 10 years ago

I thought it was 4 but her memory is better than mine… she's correct.. it was 5…

One of them was 19 and the other ones were all in their twenties

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ade588 No.369292


let me know when you can keep up

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ade588 No.369293

getting old :

you already are

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ade588 No.369294

you've been getting old since the day you were born

SURVIVING is the secret

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594fcd No.369295

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I'm willing to bet $1,500 cash you couldn't keep up if you tried

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594fcd No.369296

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I've been going 100 miles an hour since I was 6 years old

Exactly when do you plan on getting up to cruising speed?

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594fcd No.369297

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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594fcd No.369298

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

you ain't got NUTHIN' on me, bro

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594fcd No.369299

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

still THE BEST lead guitar solo ever

It wasn't Angus from ACDC

It wasn't Jimmy Page

And it certainly wasn't Joe Satriani


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fbf234 No.369302

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



If you can take constructive criticism, like a big boy, I would be more than happy to teach you how to get a girlfriend within one week

And like I said.. I'm not joking.. not at all

Little do you realize, she's out there waiting for you right now.. I can tell you exactly how to find her and what to say when you meet her

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6019f9 No.369303

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.






























Seethe More.

(You)'re obviously crying about things (You) have no knowledge of. Did you even watch any of the videos? Or did (You) just fixate and obsess on a single word (You) don't like (refusing to take it in context)? Do (You) Identify as an "Elite Boomer" or one of the "Globalist Elite"? Can (You) admit that "Overpopulation" is an outdated "old paradigm", rather popular still among those of "Boomer" age? Or are (You) just stuck in a RELIGIOUS IDEOLOGY that Hates Humans, is Divisive, and (You) are prone to being easily led around by "Elite Globalists" who do not give a fuck about (You) as an Individual or a Human Being?

Are (You) even capable of educating (You)rself, or are (You) just going to act like a screeching reactionary woman?

Do (You) even know what a Woman is?

Or do (You) just Objectify Women and Fetishize them like the sex-obsessed freak (You) act like every day? Have fun being on the Progressive Left, which will ALWAYS Move Further and Further Left because its goals are unattainable and far out in the Leftist Wasteland Distance! (You) will Never Stand For Anything REAL. (You) are a Reactionary Attention Whore who can never get enough (You)s.

Next time acquaint (You)rself with the material before shrieking like a banshee. (You) only prove OP's point.

Here. Let me leave (You) another interesting and educational video. (You) could learn something if (You) watched ANY & ALL of the videos heretofore mentioned; but (You) do not seem like the "Learning" type.

Even Ana Kasparian is learning something today — learning something about the Progressive Left and how it eats its own, and DENIES REALITY, Fixating Instead on certain Words that Offend their tightly held Religious Ideologies.



Also, quite humorous that an "unemployed bum" like (You) PROJECTS So Much, having no idea what REAL Work Schedules look like in the REAL World, or even what REAL Work even is! Living off the good graces of Women, [when (You) don't even know what a Woman IS], is NOT "Work".


too easy.

(You) don't even know who (You)'re dealing with!

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6019f9 No.369304

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


(You) mean (You)'re stoned out of (You)r gourd.

Just admit it, (You) don't think, (You) don't educate (You)rself. (You) just REACT, FIXATE & OBSESS (and relate everything to penile concerns).

If (You) can only watch one of the posted videos, WATCH THIS ONE…


I think Wendy will find it quite enlightening.

(Although they ALL Are.)

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6a8532 No.369305

File: 8ce941013a16415⋯.jpg (373.81 KB,1080x2265,72:151,Screenshot_20230323_191736….jpg)

It's all in the way that you talk to them.. everything you thought you knew was wrong

It's all about the way you talk to them..

Thinking on your feet, being creative

… like when my wife bought three large baking potatoes but we only ate two of them



You gave your prostitute girlfriend hepatitis C dude shut the fuck up too thick you can't fight and you certainly can't fuck

You're like a piece of elastic that came out of the Hem of a Halloween costume

You're like an 8-ft tall praying mantis without the musculature

come to Atlanta and I'll gladly kick a large baking potato up your asshole, you white trash trailer park Trump turd Q Anon retard faggot toothpick

( I'll pay you $5,000 if you'll do a zoom video of your face when you hear Trump is being arrested in Atlanta next week)

Now go feed your chickens, trailer boy

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6a8532 No.369306

File: 47926a2b7ecfd06⋯.jpg (206.51 KB,1620x1080,3:2,Picsart_23_03_10_18_01_24_….jpg)



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6a8532 No.369307

File: 49b3ec80919ac45⋯.jpg (247.27 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Picsart_23_03_12_21_03_17_….jpg)

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6a8532 No.369308

File: 81b680bd850ff65⋯.jpg (188.99 KB,1080x1306,540:653,Picsart_23_03_14_13_14_31_….jpg)

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6a8532 No.369309

File: d9cf7adf9f2e907⋯.jpg (560.36 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Picsart_23_03_12_15_05_03_….jpg)

Imaginary King of the word Circle

So many words and nothing ever gets said

You're literally boring as fuck dude

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6a8532 No.369310

File: f147bf1087cfe43⋯.jpg (567.21 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Picsart_23_03_12_12_17_57_….jpg)

You think you sound so mystical and enlightened but you literally sound like a fucking idiot

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6a8532 No.369311

File: a57c582dfe5a4ec⋯.jpg (318.14 KB,1080x1755,8:13,Picsart_23_03_11_16_56_49_….jpg)


Needle junkies are scumbags

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6a8532 No.369312

File: 8e6af627f8beb8c⋯.jpg (521.05 KB,1080x1764,30:49,Picsart_23_03_11_17_15_06_….jpg)


Because nobody needs life advice from somebody who contracted hepatitis C by sharing a used syringes with random heroin junkies in Portland Oregon…

And then transferred the hepatitis C to his girlfriend through sex

Not exactly a guru

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6a8532 No.369313

File: 8cc75fd0a61899e⋯.jpg (299.25 KB,1442x1080,721:540,Picsart_23_03_20_16_36_43_….jpg)

But I promise you're going to become enlightened very soon, my muscularly challenged friend

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6a8532 No.369314

File: a34501fce10ac5d⋯.jpg (423.53 KB,960x1568,30:49,1678543205455.jpg)

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6019f9 No.369315

File: d2e1d1f754efc13⋯.jpg (5.53 MB,1568x1575,224:225,The_Madness_is_REAL.jpg)









It's all (You) know how to do — GASLIGHT.

Try Educating (You)rself.

(You) Mad?

Yeah,(You) MAD.

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6a8532 No.369316

File: b56c039bf9ee33a⋯.jpg (555.25 KB,960x1568,30:49,1678493462948.jpg)

If you were so God damn smart, why did you contract hepatitis C with a used syringe?

Let me guess.. it was your day off from Einstein work?

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6a8532 No.369317

File: 4aa92f6530e826e⋯.jpg (490.9 KB,960x1568,30:49,1678489590611.jpg)


AGAIN : do you even remember which junkie you shared the syringe with?

Because of course it was more than just one Junkie you were sharing needles with, Maharishi genius Stephen Hawking Botswana

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6a8532 No.369318

File: 92d242e07825d5c⋯.jpg (549.08 KB,960x1568,30:49,1678489680518.jpg)

It seems like after giving Nancy your Hepatitis C through unprotected sex, the least you could do is try to remember who gave you the disease in the first place

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6a8532 No.369319

File: 0608bdc5bff2cf9⋯.jpg (160.82 KB,1080x1177,1080:1177,Picsart_23_03_14_09_04_06_….jpg)

Or are you so selfish that you simply refuse to discuss it with her the same way you refuse to admit it in here?

It's unlikely a coward like you would suddenly show courage before infecting your girlfriend with a life-threatening virus


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6a8532 No.369320

File: 87df06680002749⋯.jpg (424.26 KB,1080x1353,360:451,Picsart_23_03_11_16_47_22_….jpg)

AGAIN : since you gave Nancy HIS Hepatitis C, the least you could do is find him and let him ejaculate into Nancy's rectum repeatedly

He basically already has

You are nothing but his temperature controlled virus transport unit

Plus, she might finally have a real orgasm

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6a8532 No.369321

File: 129b99dd0e12904⋯.jpg (443.4 KB,1080x1944,5:9,Picsart_23_02_20_09_40_15_….jpg)

File: df6c8059708625f⋯.jpg (265 KB,1457x1080,1457:1080,Picsart_23_02_20_09_44_12_….jpg)

File: 5929441a61c8b3b⋯.png (1.26 MB,1080x1438,540:719,Picsart_23_02_25_10_35_23_….png)

File: e8203dda05333a3⋯.jpg (426.66 KB,1080x2015,216:403,Picsart_23_02_25_10_11_44_….jpg)

File: 7b570dedff17f8b⋯.jpg (260.3 KB,2012x1080,503:270,Picsart_23_02_28_01_20_54_….jpg)



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6a8532 No.369322

what's stuck to the bottoms of your boots is the same thing that's filling your boots

Old worthless washed out white chicken shit

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6a8532 No.369323

Basically, you're just boots and chickenshit..

With that ridiculous fungus sponge beard hanging off your face trying to hide your diminutive emasculated chin

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6a8532 No.369324

File: b18753e9a9f646e⋯.jpg (196.27 KB,960x1568,30:49,Picsart_23_03_11_10_16_23_….jpg)

File: f282c170fd9dc14⋯.jpg (23.6 KB,512x512,1:1,Picsart_23_03_11_10_39_40_….jpg)

File: cce245031ab8cb8⋯.jpg (29.77 KB,512x512,1:1,Picsart_23_03_11_10_40_25_….jpg)

File: 349edc86cc2e4d9⋯.jpg (26.69 KB,512x512,1:1,Picsart_23_03_11_10_41_09_….jpg)

File: 4e88667223ca94b⋯.jpg (30.23 KB,512x512,1:1,Picsart_23_03_11_10_48_40_….jpg)

There are only two reasons why a man grows facial hair :

1 : THIS

2 : feeling the need to convince people he's not a woman for some reason

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6a8532 No.369325

File: 71875d1cbe7fb5a⋯.jpg (289.32 KB,1080x1764,30:49,Picsart_23_03_11_10_10_01_….jpg)

or in your case :


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6a8532 No.369326

That ridiculous hideous fungus bacteria and viral sponge hanging off your face was unnecessary

Nobody thought you were a woman

Except for Nancy.. and that was AFTER the sex

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6a8532 No.369327


Here in Fulton county, everybody is planning on throwing a huge party when they arrest Trump in about 10 or 11 days

And parties are better with live entertainment

Q: how much would Nancy charge for a 24-man gangbang?

I guarantee I could pay her more here in Atlanta then she can earn up there in your Backwoods shit hole of a crappy rural trailerpark

(and we have running water)

So we can wash her feces off our penises before putting them back into her mouth

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6a8532 No.369328

File: b7f5a00d80d3e2a⋯.mp4 (659.78 KB,640x360,16:9,trump_arrest_could_happen_….mp4)

"you don't even know who you're talking to"

lol YES… YES I DO…..

I'm talking to a hepatitis C needle Junkie on EBT and Welfare

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6a8532 No.369329

File: d97a2a7e51786f5⋯.mp4 (1.27 MB,640x360,16:9,trump_scumbag.mp4)

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6a8532 No.369330

File: 7cba598e4440d30⋯.mp4 (11.51 MB,1280x720,16:9,7cba598e4440d30477c1898c38….mp4)

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6a8532 No.369331

File: fa37213323f81f5⋯.mp4 (3.41 MB,312x360,13:15,EEEEEEP_6178.mp4)



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6a8532 No.369332


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6a8532 No.369333

and LOL @ you not getting paid to SIT & SPIN

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6a8532 No.369334

…………..your "creativity" is flat…………..

You're just a goofball on disability playing silly childish games with garbage software, convinced that you have a creative gift

Go Polish some more stones

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6a8532 No.369335

You mentioned playing guitar..

Why don't you upload one of your songs?

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6a8532 No.369336

LMMFAO Wendy just confirmed


heading home now

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6a8532 No.369337

Seriously though.. all joking aside

You're my friend, so I'm allowed to be honest with you

I'll pay your girlfriend Nancy $2,500 to do a 24-man gangbang at my Trump's going to prison party

And I'll even throw in a little bit of heroin for her to bring home to your daughters

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6a8532 No.369339


I said I would teach you how to get pussy :


If you follow my easy instructions you'll find a girlfriend by next week I promise

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6a8532 No.369340

It's a shame that your patriotic government welfare disability benefits won't cover interferon or any of the other cures for Hepatitis C.. you sure as fuck can't afford those treatments on your measly welfare benefits

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6a8532 No.369341

It's hilarious when a needle Junkie says I'm projecting, knowing I have a morbid phobia of needles.. LOL grasping for straws much?

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6a8532 No.369342



I'll pay you $750 to lift yourself up off that sofa in under 2 minutes

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6a8532 No.369343

File: a8bc4d54e75e381⋯.jpg (543.12 KB,1080x2177,1080:2177,Screenshot_20230323_201343….jpg)

The only thing you will ever have in life are your experiences or lack thereof

Unless some of those experiences involve sharing used syringes with other heroin junkies and destroying your liver, in which case EEEWWW

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6a8532 No.369344

Tell your girlfriend to think about it.. it's the fastest 2,500 she'll ever make with those three holes of hers

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019d04 No.369345

And it sure as fuck ain't like YOU are capable of giving Nancy $2,500

This will be like winning the lottery for her

(but let her know we're gonna rough her up and spit on her and urinate into her butthole)

you know…… just your typical " Trump's going to the Georgia Department of Corrections" party

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019d04 No.369346

Here's a way you could make a few honest dollars for the first time in years


That's your specialty, remember coward?

Send your daughters along with nancy, and you can tell them they're getting paid $1,000 each

And you can pocket the extra $1,500 from each of their earnings that night

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019d04 No.369347

what with YOUR home "schooling", it's highly unlikely they can count that high

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019d04 No.369348

These customers at the trumps going to prison party are real creeps, so they won't even mine if your daughters are all deformed toothpicks like their father

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019d04 No.369349

If your daughters have three holes, they've got a job

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019d04 No.369350

Which is more than their father can say

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019d04 No.369351

You can shut your beliefs up your fucking ass, dude. I don't give a flying fuck about your stupid word circles or your fake Maharishi philosophies


After I'm done with Nancy and your daughters, drop on your knees and suck me balls deep, boy

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6019f9 No.369352

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.




































Mental Illness Personified.

Stay Mad.

Nothing but LIES & PROJECTION.

"Meanwhile I'll Keep Going On About My Development."

While (You) waste (You)r life continuously shitposting on the chans, doing drugs, and obsessing about Drugs, Sex and Trump, I'll be spending quality time with my gf, and doing important things like helping out our families, working on computers, developing software, writing code, playing guitar, writing music, riding my motorcycle, getting the garden started, building more rabbit habitats, taking care of all my other animals & plants, writing, uploading videos, and actually enjoying spending time at my profitable employment.

My gf has long agreed that (You) are sick and mentally deranged, and that (You) Objectify & Fetishize Women, which is nothing to be proud of. [(You) also act like one, which is probably why (You) brag about being with and abusing a lesbian meth whore.] All (You)r lashing out and all the LIES & PROJECTION are merely indicative of a very troubled soul, one who has probably Never chosen toLOOK WITHIN.

Sad. (You) even traded (You)r Creativity for Divisiveness and Hate; and it WASN'T "WORTH IT".

As for this evening…ENJOY!


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000000 No.369710


Well Said & Devastatingly Effective.

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000000 No.369728

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