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16686d No.369211

Rely On Medicare? Be Ready To Be CUT OFF Thanks To AI Technocracy

No longer are actual human doctors making personalized decisions in patient care for elderly people on Medicare. Instead, artificial intelligence (AI) robots are deciding who lives and who dies: https://www.statnews.com/2023/03/13/medicare-advantage-plans-denial-artificial-intelligence/

The inevitable outcome of Barack Hussein Obama’s infamous death panels, AI-driven medicine is fast becoming the norm, not only for seniors but for everyone. If you are on Medicare, beware: things are getting uglier by the day in terms of being an absolute Orwellian nightmare.

Take the case of Frances Walter, an 85-year-old Wisconsin woman with a shattered left shoulder and a respiratory condition who was forced out of her nursing home by an AI algorithm that decided she only needed to stay there for 16.6 days. On day 17, her Medicare Advantage insurer, Security Health Plan, cut off payment for her care in accordance with the algorithm, even though she was not yet healed.

Walter was forced to return home to her apartment where she lives alone – this despite medical notes dating back to June 2019 that show Walter’s pain was extreme, and she could no longer dress herself, go to the bathroom, or even push a walker without assistance.

It would take more than a year for a federal judge to fix the nightmare that the AI robots who decided Walter’s fate made. That judge ruled that Security Health Plan’s decision to obey the algorithm and cut off Walter’s coverage was “at best, speculative.”

Long story short, it was determined that Walter was owed thousands of dollars more for the care she received. And in pursuing retribution for it, she had to spend down her life savings and enroll in Medicaid just to be able to progress to the point of putting on her shoes, or getting her arm in a sling.

A STAT investigation found that while health insurance companies have been rejecting medical claims since the time when they were first concocted, the advent of AI-driven medicine has sent these denials to new heights, particularly under Medicare Advantage, which is funded by taxpayers (traditional Medicare is different).

“Behind the scenes, insurers are using unregulated predictive algorithms, under the guise of scientific rigor, to pinpoint the precise moment when they can plausibly cut off payment for an elderly patient’s treatment,” STAT reported. “The denials that follow are setting off heated disputes between doctors and insurers, often delaying treatment of seriously ill patients who are neither aware of the algorithms, nor able to question their calculations.”

“Elderly people who spent their lives paying into Medicare, and are now facing amputation, fast-spreading cancers, and other devastating diagnoses, are left to either pay for their care themselves or get by without it. If they disagree, they can file an appeal, and spend months trying to recover their costs, even if they don’t recover from their illnesses.”



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733256 No.369232

bumping essential news

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a36b93 No.369255

bumping third world news

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000000 No.369707

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d2def6 No.370085

I guess this is how the Empire of Lies dies.

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70e44a No.370105

exposing more corruption bump

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c6e7aa No.370202

bumping real factual news

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05433e No.370226

bumping common sense news

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16686d No.370247

bumping top notch news

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815eee No.370300

bumping common sense news

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7543c6 No.370326

bumping appreciated news

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4e1731 No.370435

bumping actual news

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e3d720 No.370680

bumping real life news in a dying empire gone mad

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af508d No.370950

è2%®£n-[E•ÃO§ÎGÝoï#`”~ŒèÈê¾Ç~÷qÚ¿ØáŽâç*Í&Ä?RþTó/Œþ|`øŸöˏøÂ6Èþl^(ž]Û7i"¶+µ¼?Õ³À«È~ ~Ͼñ¥ä°üNøËñ;ãMÚ”Ýá¯ZHö *ÿ AgCûÒ4_ïWÕ.ð‡ÅE%¼0ð߃4ÖàÇi¡6«v=Ö{‰V/ûêÙ«Çü_û.húÝß™âÿ üfø˜Èß½Òa¿û‘oöRÞtUÿ uèç=|1ø

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733256 No.371315

bumping reliable news

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56d1ba No.371492

bumping dependable news

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becc73 No.371930

Tucker Carlson Gets Fired By FOX News, Network Officially Becomes 100% Neocon



MY COMMENT: It's time for real conservatives to completely DUMP any viewership and support for TV news media including Fox News. In fact I'd recommend hitting all of them where it hurts most: CANCEL TV SERVICE ENTIRELY. (Yes I already did the same over a decade ago and it never bothered me, I get all my news from the internet plus I buy DVD sets of all my favorite old shows so there was nothing to lose and money saved long-term).















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27916f No.372004

bumping international news

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bfa968 No.372177

bumping certified news

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733256 No.372236

bumping premium news

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95f3cf No.372463

bumping factual news

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85f50a No.372701

bumping solid news

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ade927 No.374576

anti-slide 345631

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85f50a No.374849

bumping brilliant news

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733256 No.375880

bumping improved news

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b641de No.377039

bumping premium news

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3884f7 No.377428

bumping highly respected news

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436e4f No.379998

bumping legit news

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16686d No.380999

bumping highly respected news

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436e4f No.382066

bumping valuable news

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