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99f597 No.369130

Take A Backseat USD, Putin and Jinping Announce Yuan For Global Trade

In a ceremony at the Kremlin, and on the second day of Chinese leader's Xi Jinping's visit, Putin and Xi kicked off formal talks which will focus on the Ukraine crisis. They shook hands and stood side by side as their respective national anthems played, aired on state television. Following the meeting, they held a joint press conference, to be followed by a state dinner at the Kremlin.

Last night's greeting and starting 'informal' talks lasted about 4-and-a-half hours. In addition to Ukraine being high on the agenda for the ongoing summit, Xi outlined in initial comments Tuesday that China wishes to expand cooperation with Russia on trade, and hopes that Russia promotes liberalization, facilitation of trade and investment, alongside both sides maintaining security and stability of industrial and supply chains. Importantly, Xi invited Putin to travel to China at some point this year. Putin showed willingness on these points, also stressing that Russia stands ready to meet China's growing energy needs.

Putin also said his country stands ready to support Chinese business replacing Western companies inside Russia that left in the wake of the Ukraine war. "We are ready to support Chinese business in replacing Western enterprises that left Russia," Putin said.

But among the most important statements to come out of the day's formal China-Russia summit and press conference was concerning the further erasing of dollar-reliance in favor of the yuan. Putin said, "We support the use of Chinese yuan in payments between Russia and countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin America," and further expressed confidence that such "forms of payments will be developed between Russian partners and their colleagues in third countries." Further:

"National currencies are more and more actively used" in the bilateral trade and two thirds of the trade turnover between Russia and China are already "made in rubles and yuan," Putin noted.

"This practice should be encouraged further" and mutual presence of financial and banking institutions on Russian and Chinese markets should be expanded, he added.

Additionally, Russia is not alone. The Iraqi central bank announced Wednesday that, for the first time, it plans to allow trade from China to be settled directly in yuan instead of the US dollar to improve access to foreign currency.

At the very moment that Xi and Putin wrapped up their meeting and transitioned to their televised joint press conference, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg made a significant allegation, picking up on prior assertions from Washington.


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f107eb No.369138


Kinda like howYOU took a back seat by dropping out of school??

That was 57 years ago….

And you could have literally become a millionaire three times over in those 57 years

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f107eb No.369140


Considering how you ended up doingMENIAL GRUNTWORKinstead of a real career, wouldn't it be more accurate to say you had to take a seat at the back of the bus?

But that was your stupid decision

You're the only one to blame for your own life failure

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f107eb No.369141


… Which leads me to the next obvious question

Since you flushed your life down the toilet with stupid decisions and alcoholism,who the fuck are YOU to give 'life advice'?

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f107eb No.369142

Wouldn't the AVERAGE STUPID NIGGER be more qualified to give life advice?

The average black person in Atlanta has MONEY

you're broke

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f107eb No.369151

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For example ;

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f107eb No.369156

YOU ?……

The only qualified advice you could possibly give me is how to drop out of school and never continue yourself education, live a life of menial labor and depressing mediocrity, drown your misery with alcoholism, then beg your daughter for financial assistance…

No offense, but I'll pass

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8766d0 No.369186


gtfo glofeg. Go suck som donky dik glowie

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f443fe No.369192

bumping premium news

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0bfc75 No.369236

bumping flabbergasting news

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0bfc75 No.369241


Third world countries have mansions too, the only difference is much less of the population even owns a home. In a third world nation you have no middle class, you are either pampered rich or dirt poor.

I'm NOT saying all of America is now third world. But the trends are not looking good, more and more are being impoverished and more babies are being born into poverty as the nation is deeply indebted and insolvent. Therefore the trend is headed towards the HAVES and HAVE-NOTS and when that fully becomes a reality all over America, then we will be defined as a third world country.

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0bfc75 No.369242


>then beg your daughter for financial assistance

LOL believing your own made-up lies. I said it before, everything financial among me and my family is evenly split between us, that was the deal before we made the move, bills will be split along with the mortgage, and we all have our own savings too. I face no problems and beg no one. My prepping has been a big hedge against all the rising price inflation too. I am PROUD to be a "tin foil kook" LOL. LOUD AND PROUD.

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24c0f6 No.369430

bumping real news

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000000 No.369712

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b5a0d3 No.369884

bumping absolute true news

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f29330 No.370002

bumping verified news

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80a069 No.370895

bumping reality-driven news

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a38e57 No.371589

bumping educated news

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8bf371 No.372093

bumping reality-driven news

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