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1e08d2 No.369122

Biden Regime To Bailout Corrupt Clot Shot Pharma Firms Next

American taxpayers were already [forced to give] Moderna $10 billion for its coronavirus vaccine. If the Biden administration gets its wish, that tab could soon grow.

In a court filing last month, Department of Injustice lawyers offered to "relieve" Moderna of any liability it faces from a lawsuit that accuses the drug company of failing to pay licensing fees for technology it used to develop its vaccine during "Operation Warp Speed." Moderna has argued that the federal government should be on the hook for any legal settlement because of a stipulation in its contract that protects the company from patent litigation. The government had stayed silent on the matter until last month, when Injustice Department lawyers said that any liability that Moderna faces should "transfer" to the United States government, citing a World War I-era law that protects federal contractors from patent disputes.

While the judge handling the case recently denied the request, Moderna and the federal government could appeal the decision and put taxpayers on the hook for any legal payout. Genevant, one of the companies that sued Moderna, has already accused the drug maker of "trying to shift responsibility for its patent infringement to the U.S. taxpayer."

The government’s offer to bail out Moderna will likely not sit well with the American public or with senators when they grill Moderna’s CEO at a hearing on Wednesday. The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions committee invited Stéphane Bancel to testify about the company’s plans to quadruple the price of its deadly coronavirus "vaccine".

This furthermore proves America is no longer a capitalist nation, as capitalist nations tend to allow failures and bankruptcies of insolvent corrupt entities.


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d16e7a No.369189

bumping true news

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826b8d No.369230

bumping real true news

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aa6d23 No.369258

bumping censored news

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8cde3e No.369437

bumping appreciated news

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000000 No.369718

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1e08d2 No.370006

bumping top notch news

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bde2eb No.370892

bumping vital news

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ac25c0 No.371937

Tucker Carlson Gets Fired By FOX News, Network Officially Becomes 100% Neocon



MY COMMENT: It's time for real conservatives to completely DUMP any viewership and support for TV news media including Fox News. In fact I'd recommend hitting all of them where it hurts most: CANCEL TV SERVICE ENTIRELY. (Yes I already did the same over a decade ago and it never bothered me, I get all my news from the internet plus I buy DVD sets of all my favorite old shows so there was nothing to lose and money saved long-term).















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1e08d2 No.372319

bumping premium news

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223f9a No.373717

bumping blacklisted news

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1e08d2 No.374005

bumping accurate news

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304efa No.375128

bumping substantial news

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223f9a No.375813

bumping correct news

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6fd85a No.377049

bumping responsible intelligent news

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1e08d2 No.379249

bumping censored news

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