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File: f852bfeefd28f99⋯.jpg (1.06 MB,4032x3024,4:3,image.jpg)

105a2c No.369030

Russia is winning both the war and now the narrative.

Prepare for US/NATO troops to engage on the ground this year and early 2024.

The truth cannot be hidden anymore.

250,000 Ukrainians dead.

What’s the figure from Russia.



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b9d88b No.369075


lol @ you giving yourself diabetes

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b9d88b No.369076

by the way, Danny boy….

how's the schizophrenia thing going?

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b9d88b No.369077

File: 9edb5576a2082ea⋯.jpg (175.46 KB,1080x1623,360:541,Picsart_23_03_12_09_24_26_….jpg)

you ARE aware that Ashley Nichole Schneider is still waiting for you, right?

in fact, you're Ashley's ONLY HOPE…

and She is YOURS

so why are you still waiting?

she's basically a prisoner of her own fears, and incapable of freeing herself


this is it, champ!!

this is where you finally become somebody's hero

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b9d88b No.369078

File: 9f9a89a12f6a93b⋯.jpg (123.77 KB,629x945,629:945,Picsart_23_03_12_09_16_01_….jpg)

you can literally SAVE HER FROM HERSELF


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b9d88b No.369079

you will literally become her HERO

and in turn, you'll finally beginRESPECTING YOURSELF

and it all begins by calling Ashley and saying "HELLO"

(920) 924-6760

that's her mother's landline…

Ashley doesn't have a phone. She uses a Samsung Tab A8… You'll have to call her on her mom's housephone,, but trust me HER MOTHER IS VERY NICE, and cool, and talkative.

her mother is deeply concerned for Ashley's future. She loves her daughter (duhh) but the financial burden has become unacceptable, because after all, Ashley is 32 years old…

Ashley's birthday is two weeks after YOUR birthday.

guess what, Champ?….. good news

it's not just Ashley who's waiting for you


(920) 924-6760


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b9d88b No.369080

it's really simple :

Ashley will NOT leave her mom's house

100% true… she's got agoraphobia

so it has to be YOU who travels there

together, you and Ashley will leave together

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b9d88b No.369081

File: 05f643fbb8a71e7⋯.jpg (208.63 KB,886x1080,443:540,Picsart_23_02_28_11_27_23_….jpg)


like the good old fashioned days

tell who who you are, how you'd like to speak with Ashley, how you realize Ashley's in a situation and needs an answer

explain that YOU are also in a situation, and also need an answer

and how you'd be honored to try to reach out to Ashley

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b9d88b No.369082

File: ceaf3a3a432842e⋯.jpg (141.21 KB,1080x1177,1080:1177,Picsart_23_02_28_01_25_02_….jpg)

her mom will be so happy

her prayers answered

when Ashley gets on the phone, tell her that you're coming to rescue her

then tell her mother you'd like to come visit for one week

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966b83 No.369083



1) Stop the endless wars and get rid of the corrupt neo-cons and libtards to negotiate peace and diplomatic ties with the Eastern world.

2) Stop the "green energy" bullshit. In an industrialized society you can't rely completely on solar and wind, you must have fossil fuels too in order to be a first world country. Lack of fossil fuels = THIRD WORLD, that simple.

3) Stop demonizing, targeting, censoring and assassinating your political opponents. Manage a way to listen to the concerns of other citizens in a respectful manner.

4) Stop endlessly creating debt to prop up failed insolvent institutions, corporations and banks. Let the markets deal with the consequences of insolvency and corruption, NOT the government which is highly corrupted itself!! AKA stop the QE, bailouts and bail-ins.


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966b83 No.369084

Until you accept the fact that your policies have failed, nothing will be fixed, nothing will change, and the Western world will rapidly devolve into a failed state.

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b9d88b No.369088

look, weirdo…..

it's not like you have anywhere else to go

it's Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin for you

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966b83 No.369089




1) Stop the endless wars and get rid of the corrupt neo-cons and libtards to negotiate peace and diplomatic ties with the Eastern world.

2) Stop the "green energy" bullshit. In an industrialized society you can't rely completely on solar and wind, you must have fossil fuels too in order to be a first world country. Lack of fossil fuels = THIRD WORLD, that simple.

3) Stop demonizing, targeting, censoring and assassinating your political opponents. Manage a way to listen to the concerns of other citizens in a respectful manner.

4) Stop endlessly creating debt to prop up failed insolvent institutions, corporations and banks. Let the markets deal with the consequences of insolvency and corruption, NOT the government which is highly corrupted itself!! AKA stop the QE, bailouts and bail-ins.


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b9d88b No.369090




Daniel doesn't give a fuck about any Ukraine or Russia or Politics in general

he's trying to figure out what the fuck he's gonna do with his life

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966b83 No.369091


My bug-out is now permanent even after the radioactive dust has set, and the unrest from an economic collapse of the West has completely subsided and peace established. In otherwords, innawoods in rural Missouri from here on. This is the soil I'll live and die on.

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966b83 No.369092


So many just like Daniel may not be here in the next decade due to the systemic collapse now unfolding.

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93b75d No.369093


*shoots you in the hip with a tranquilizer dart*

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93b75d No.369094




I'm sorry the tranquilizer dart hit you in the eye!!

DAMMIT, DUDE !!! That's got to hurt

I'll try to aim better next time

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93b75d No.369095

Good old Danny Boy has found himself in a pickle.. it turns out he's got nowhere to go after he leaves the hospital.

Fortunately for him, Ashley Schneider's mother will let him stay in her house for free, but he has to take a Greyhound to Fond du Lac Wisconsin

That's where he's going to be her mother's hero, a Svengali who's going to sweep psychotic Ashley off her schizophrenic feet

And out of her mother's basement and once and for all

If Daniel will bathe, he might even get some pussy out of the deal

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93b75d No.369096


I'd like to thank you for inviting me to join you on that other bullshit website

endchan is SO EMPTY & DEAD, that it makes 8kun seem like Grand Central Station

It's literally a wasteland.. the other day there were 12 people on the entire site

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93b75d No.369097

Notice how I've got board operator of /news/ all defensive and defiant, now feeling the need to mention he "has a job" in every other sentence?

(he's LYING. of course. If he had a job, he wouldn't be spending his days in that dead empty worthless website)

When his inferiority little man complex finally manifested in a trendy cliche wannabe neo-Nazi fagshow in an empty chat room, the last thing he expected was HAVING SOMEBODY NOTICE HES UNEMPLOYED

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93b75d No.369098


as you know, men are so predictable, and they would much rather deal with people noticing they are unemployed than they would like to deal withpeople noticing that they don't get any pussy

And that's why NOW, you will see him continually trying to convince everybody that he has a job….

…. but you'll never see him address my direct observation that he doesn't have a girlfriend, and never gets any pussy

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93b75d No.369099

Because he's passive aggressive and effeminate, having only a mother for a role model in his childhood, he considers himself to be crafty and clever

Much like somebody's fat middle-aged mother watching NCIS and becoming convinced she's a super sleuth

That's why he's careful not to overdo it

That's why he only mentions having a job 50% of the time ever since I pointed out his obvious unemployment

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93b75d No.369100

AGAIN : before you invited me there, he mentioned having a job 0% of the time

But after I called him out on being unemployed,now he mentions "I have a job" 50% OF THE TIME

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93b75d No.369101

But not having a job was only part of my observations about him

I also made the observation thathe doesn't get any pussy

It's strange how he addresses the unemployment observation, but pretends that he never heard the lack of pussy observationof

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93b75d No.369102

lol isn't that odd?

he's willing to face the UNEMPLOYMENT ACCUSATION



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b9d88b No.369103

guess what?

I'm going to change the parameters of his existence, where CLEANING MY FECES OFF HIS WALLS will become his primary function.

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b9d88b No.369104

at least that's what he'd LIKE….

because he's SO BORED

but I'd rather sit right here..

making fun of YOU instead

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b9d88b No.369105

I have ZERO desire to go to endchan.

my work there is done.

now he knows you're insane

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