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File: a457b26210fd4a8⋯.jpg (13.43 KB,200x200,1:1,cover.jpg)

0fae9d No.368885

MY COMMENT: There is another glow in the dark operation being run right now trying to get people riled up and angry over some mundane and highly questionable "fraud" charge of you know who. First off: it's not that big of a deal and it can be legally debated in higher courts and take years before any results. Second off: feds are trying to bait people to take to the streets and do dumb shit (to obviously entrap and arrest dummies) so don't be a fucking fool! Do not fall for the bait. Stay home. IF you want to protest, I'll tell you how you can WITH HARDCORE RESULTS: if enough Americans took action they could crash the economy two ways. If enough angry supporters took some days off of work the system would grind to a halt, or if enough angry supporters pulled some money out of their bank accounts (known as a bank run) the economy would crash and government would have to bail bankers out again, with an already existing insolvency crisis to boot. Many legal, safe and peaceful ways to make your point across without entrapping yourself.

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0fae9d No.368887

Bump it, Jerry!

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0fae9d No.368891

File: 0a839f8686c8feb⋯.jpg (133.89 KB,713x840,713:840,34262623.jpg)

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10d2d4 No.368915


says the 73 year old man

who can't differentiate between YOUR and YOU'RE

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10d2d4 No.368916


says THE IDIOT who didn't realize that Tonga is a volcano

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10d2d4 No.368917

"DON'T BE DUMB" says the guy who dropped out of high school only 1 1/2 years shy of graduating

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10d2d4 No.368918

"DON'T BE DUMB" saysTHEstupidest person online

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7daab8 No.368923

File: d8ee235a14f32f9⋯.jpg (435.01 KB,1080x1620,2:3,Picsart_23_03_19_19_15_34_….jpg)

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7daab8 No.368924

"DON'T BE DUMB" says the guy who didn't realize that All Pacific RIM Island Chains are created by undersea volcanoes

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7daab8 No.368925

"DON'T BE DUMB" says the guy who thinks Alex Jones = REAL News

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7daab8 No.368926

"DON'T BE DUMB" says the guy who had to beg his daughter for financial assistance after drinking his life savings away

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7daab8 No.368927

"DON'T BE DUMB" says the guy who claims he developed the CIRE FOR DIABETES

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7daab8 No.368928

"DON'T BE DUMB" says the guy who ended up working a shitty gruntwork Mill Job because he dropped out of school

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7daab8 No.368929

"DON'T BE DUMB" says the guy who thinks Russia NUKED THE TONGA VOLCANO

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7daab8 No.368930

"DON'T BE DUMB" says the guy whoSTILLDOESN'T KNOW WHAT ZYGOTIC INDUCTION IS, even after I've taught him 50 times

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7daab8 No.368931



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7daab8 No.368932


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7daab8 No.368933

"DON'T BE DUMB" says the guy who claims to be 'saving the world' by posting in HERE

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7daab8 No.368934

"DON'T BE DUMB" says the guy who thinks he is "reincarnated jesus"

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7daab8 No.368935

"DON'T BE DUMB" says the guy who lived his entire life in fear

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7daab8 No.368936

"DON'T BE DUMB" says the guy who doesn't have the balls to use a gun on a 7 year old girl, but can't physically defend himself against her either

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7daab8 No.368937

"DON'T BE DUMB" says the guy who saw a Jewish guy talking on a phone once, and compared it to seeing a UFO

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7daab8 No.368938

"DON'T BE DUMB" says the guy whoSTILLcan't correctly define GAIN OF FUNCTION

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7daab8 No.368939

"DON'T BE DUMB" says the guy who wakes up in his own urine on his daughter's kitchen floor next to an empty vodka bottle

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7daab8 No.368940

"DON'T BE DUMB" says the guy who ==never continued his self-education after dropping out in the 10th grade

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7daab8 No.368941

"DON'T BE DUMB" says the guy who took two years to memorize the term "spike proteins", but STILL has no idea what they are

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7daab8 No.368942

"DON'T BE DUMB" says the guy who thinks THE ROPERS is quality comedy

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7daab8 No.368943


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7daab8 No.368944

"DON'T BE DUMB" says the guy who shops at a store called DICKEY BUB

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7daab8 No.368945

"DON'T BE DUMB" says the guy who dropped out 10 years after NOT paying attention in the 1st grade

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7daab8 No.368946

"DON'T BE DUMB" says the guy who thinks the government considers him a threat because he reads ZEROHEDGE GARBAGE

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7daab8 No.368947

"DON'T BE DUMB" says the guy who can't watch YouTube videos or any streaming content because HE HAS DIAL-UP INTERNET

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7daab8 No.368948

"DON'T BE DUMB" says the guy who actually uses the terms "first off" and "second off" instead of FIRSTLY and SECONDLY

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7daab8 No.368949

"DON'T BE DUMB" says the guy who doesn't realize ELECTION CAMPAIGN FINANCE FRAUD is a serious felony

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7daab8 No.368950


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7daab8 No.368951

"DON'T BE DUMB" says the guy with a 91 IQ

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7daab8 No.368952


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10d2d4 No.368953


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10d2d4 No.368954

"DON'T BE DUMB" says the stupid white trash redneck

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000000 No.369681

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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