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File: 7eb178411ea7504⋯.jpg (103.85 KB,839x806,839:806,corruption_crisis.jpg)

70eba2 No.368566

>>20058 <<Johnny Neptune called me PARANOID!

"paranoid post"

MY COMMENT: Since my current VPN IP was blocked over there I'll respond here: By "paranoid" you must mean anything the government or State-run corporate media disagree with, or flat out lie about or cover-up right? Yah sure, there will always be a ton of that, it's called professional journalism, freedom of the press and freedom of speech!

Raising Meat Rabbits to Survive What's Coming


Growing Your Own food Very Very Quickly (Marjory Wildcraft 1/2)


Growing Your Own Food Quickly (Calories The Next Unit of Currency)(Marjory Wildcraft 2/2)


Growing Your Own food Very Very Quickly (Marjory Wildcraft 1/2)


Growing Your Own Food Quickly (Calories The Next Unit of Currency)(Marjory Wildcraft 2/2)


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70eba2 No.368567

MY COMMENT TO JERRY: I cannot disclose the ripper I am using for various opsec reasons but it is currently outdated and can no longer rip videos from Odysee. Any bitchute or Jewtube mirrors for that video?

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70eba2 No.368568


PS: there are a ton of other Youtube videos on how to raise and butcher meat rabbits properly, worth looking into and mirroring the best ones as it's a wealth of knowledge!

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70eba2 No.368569

ANOTHER TIP FOR JERRY: If you enjoy mirroring info and videos, you can always set up an Archive.org account for free, and share links from there. As far as I know they hardly ever take content down unless it's illegal content. I have found a wealth of hard-to-find material over on Archive.org and used to use it myself. As far as mirroring videos there is always Brighteon as well, they will not take down videos unless you abuse their Terms of Service which is pretty lax (although they do not allow outright racism but if you share prepping or alternative news videos they are just fine with all that.)

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000000 No.368831

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> I cannot disclose the ripper I am using for various opsec reasons but it is currently outdated and can no longer rip videos from Odysee. Any bitchute or Jewtube mirrors for that video?

I use `torsocks` with `yt-dlp`.

MY COMMENT TO KILLCEN: I cannot disclose my employment, but suffice it to say that it has a lot more value to humanity than shitposting on the chans, and it takes up most of my time, not to mention all the many hours a day I spend on the homestead with the garden, chickens and rabbits. I obviously will not have time to hang out on the chans for a long long time. I won't be interacting with idiots like Jewny Neptroon either, although I'll push his buttons on occasion just to watch him spin.

> Imagine having such a bad case of TDS that one cannot think of anything whatsoever without relating it to Trump & Trumpanzees, and wasting one's entire life on lying about "Others" and trying to tear down "Personas"!

Imagine believing anything that Jewny Nigturd says!

Imagine giving a fuck what "Others" believe about one's "Persona"!

Imagine letting anyone "else" define oneself, or taking those definitions seriously.



I don't have time to post much at all on Odysee either (or anywhere "else".)

I'm busy preparing for what's coming, and have no need to convince anyone of anything, or provide much in the way of information to the masses, most of whom are not interested enough to matter to my community.

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e8006f No.368912






I would also refer you to the Department of Agriculture Handbook No. 309



This Peace Corps link from 1961 is very interesting and applicable also.


At that link you'll get a feel for how the entire community can become involved, and how raising rabbits for meat can benefit everyone, not to mention how valuable and rewarding the work is — all the products one can make, how nothing is wasted, how to make methane generators for use in gas stoves, even electricity, how to tan the hides and market every part of the rabbits.

If we are to survive, even thrive, raising rabbits for meat, fur, hides, garden fertilizer and energy production should become a much more integral part of our society.

Have had people ask…

> How does rabbit taste though? Never had it before.

I know you're already expecting this answer, but it's true…

It tastes like chicken.

It's a premium white meat, actually better than chicken, imho.

You can buy it (usually frozen) in many supermarkets, and try it out for yourself. Laying off the grass for the last week before harvest, and only using the pellet food during that time makes for even a better taste.

There's usually no city ordinances against raising rabbits either, and it can be done on an apartment balcony. Really no excuse to not at least seriously consider this, if not actually DO IT. I am personally doing it and can attest to the fact they don't take hardly any time or energy, with the exception of making the cages. You can buy cages, but making them is easy. See that link from the Peace Corps for good ideas.

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65d8cc No.368970


Good idea! Me too, I've been spending less time online recently prepping as well. Once the weather gets better I'll likely be offline 90% of the time.

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000000 No.369692

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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