Cross-dressing Jewish sheriff
I never get any pussy whatsoever. I don't have a girlfriend. I don't have a wife. I have no kids. I don't even have a platonic casual friendship with any female whatsoever. No woman ever comes over to my place and hangs out with me.. I am the ubiquitous "loser with the ladies"
yet, ironically, I am somehow obsessed with the concept of convincing myself that I'm "superior to other people", even though I've never seen a vagina in real life, so I'm not even half of a man
there are over 4 billion women on planet Earth, and according to all four billion of them, I am not even superior to the lowest scumbag Greasy Nigger under a bridge
according to those 4 billion women, I am probably one of the most inferior, undesirable, insignificant losers on planet Earth
I'm so inferior, that I can't even find a big fat ugly desperate woman who thinks I'm even vaguely interesting
I guess my pathetic existence speaks for itself?