I'm an aryan tranny woman, I was a super woke commie SJW type, bordering on a wokescold at times, I have dyed hair, the lot.
Entered into a long distance relationship with a friend of mine, another woman (inb4 reee faggot and other autistic screechings), and found after a week or so that she holds lots of racist beliefs despite being otherwise far-left like me. "I can change her" I thought, and challenged her on many of her different beliefs during our conversations; yet turns out she was changing me too.
After two months of dating her I ended up converting to Christianity after I found I couldn't counter many of her debate points (praise the Lord).
After three months I announced our relationship on social media and was basically brigaded by far-left trolls telling me to commit suicide and all sorts of fucked up things that I'd expect more from you guys as someone calling myself a leftist than from the people I'd worked with for many years.
After that it set in, these people aren't my friends, my gf was right. And strangely it felt good, natural, like I should've known it all along. I realised that I was changing as a person, that my ideology was shifting when I was cut in front of by a nigger in a queue and my first thought was to call him a nigger and tell him to go back to Africa.
This is a basic insult; but for me, for who I am, this was a tremendous deviation in my normal thought processes. I've had racist thoughts before, normally they were milder and felt more intrusive, but this time, I was happy with it, accepting of it. Still didn't say it because social phobia, but ultimately this was basically a paradigm shift.
I'm beginning to get why people hate niggers: they stand around in the street hooting at each other; they commit a disproportional amount of crimes, and regardless of the reasons for their criminality, it still has to be dealt with; also they just look ugly and make me uncomfortable to be around them.
What now, Western tran?