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File: 107f30146457bc7⋯.jpg (60.48 KB,640x360,16:9,2023_03_12_Truth_Bombs_Rus….jpg)

efde72 No.368234

TRUTH-Bombs Russian Military Confirms GoF NIH DoD Bioweapons Conspiracy | Aussie Cossack & Maria Zeee


Russian Defense Minister confirms all the things that supposed "Conspiracy Theorists" have been saying all along…

Gain of function virus creation, Marburg Virus Scaredemic on it's way, AI-controlled 5G EMF activated part-biological, part-technological "viruses" and "vaccines", the "Directed Evolution" Dual-Use Biolabs, particularly in Boston and Ukraine, all the Pfizer pfuckery, he also references Karen Kingston and James O'Keefe of Project Veritas, and cornfirms that the jabs are biological weapons, how the WHO, WEF & UN have been taken over, and what the latest WHO Agenda is trying to do worldwide, and much much more.

Don't Forget that the Rockefeller Foundation and the Rothschilds Bankrolled and Control the WHO, the WEF and the UN, (not to mention NATO, the IMF, Intel Agencies Worldwide, and most of the Politicians in places of power in Western Countries), and that it is Them who are pushing to implement "The Great Reset" — The "New World Order".

This is Genocidal Eugenics on a Grand Scale (not to mention "Ethnic Cleansing".)

Yes, We've Known ALL This for a Very Long Time, but this is one of the first times an actual Government has been willing to say what we already know.

Share With Family & Friends.

And Buckle Up.It's gonna be a Wild Ride from here on out.


This is now Proven Correct:

"Vaccinated" People No Longer Human — NASA Langley Research On 5th Gen Warfare | Todd Callender with Maria Zeee



> They have named "vaccinated" persons (and I use the term "vaccinated" loosely), but genetically modified persons are now referred to as Homo Borg Genesis, NOT Homo Sapiens.

Also See:




mRNA Injected People are no longer Human


Hate to break it to the Transhumans like that; but that's the way it is.



Reposted From: >>>/freedomzine/39238

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981970 No.368235

File: 9206f01c1351087⋯.jpg (498.73 KB,960x1568,30:49,1678574071781.jpg)

File: d06d227b76f6efe⋯.jpg (244.98 KB,712x578,356:289,Screenshot_20230311_190144.jpg)


it's charming to witness your mania transform into schizophrenia…


You're truly earning your welfare benefits the good old fashioned way


I'm pretty sure your parents kind of lamented not having eugenics as an option, huh?

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981970 No.368236

File: 5833f408e4c53a6⋯.jpg (534.39 KB,1080x2177,1080:2177,Screenshot_20230312_204706….jpg)

But congratulations on finally becoming even lower class than you already were!!

I wouldn't have thought it was possible, but somehow you actually managed to devolve down to the subprimateTIKTOK EINSTEIN LEVEL

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981970 No.368237

I already knew you were mentally ill, but now you've confirmed that you're also stupid as shit

You are literally stupid as fuck, dude !!!

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981970 No.368238

File: cfeb2709a92585f⋯.jpg (449.38 KB,1080x2177,1080:2177,Screenshot_20230312_204716….jpg)

you psychotic giggling Ed Wynn EBT food stamp dipshitGENIUS

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981970 No.368239

You're evenmoregullible than a Christian….

LOL and you actually

ridicule the Qanon idiots???

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981970 No.368240

File: 49b3ec80919ac45⋯.jpg (247.27 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Picsart_23_03_12_21_03_17_….jpg)

LOL @YOUusing the word TRUTH

Yet you still can't find the courage to be truthful in an empty chat room learning the truth about how you ended up giving Hepatitis C to your girlfriend…

I don't understand why you're ashamed.. I honestly don't.. it seems like you would be proud. You actually stopped being a disgusting needle Junkie…

Conquering your disgusting addiction was avictoryfor you…

So why would you be embarrassed about a victory?

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981970 No.368241

File: b56c039bf9ee33a⋯.jpg (555.25 KB,960x1568,30:49,1678493462948.jpg)

…….oh…… hold on a minute…..

I just realized.. the reason you're ashamed is because you gave your disgusting Hepatitis C to Nancy through sexual intercourse….

If you're this much of a coward in here, then obviously you're equally as much of a coward in bed

It seems like you would have told her beforehand

It seems like you would have cared enough about her to have given her a choice to remain free of your liver disease…..

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981970 No.368242

File: 4aa92f6530e826e⋯.jpg (490.9 KB,960x1568,30:49,1678489590611.jpg)

and when I sayYOURdisgusting Liver Disease….. of course I realize it wasHISDisease….

I doubt you even remember his name

But you had no problem sharing syringes with him

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981970 No.368243

File: 6088a689c5037dc⋯.jpg (434.66 KB,1080x2177,1080:2177,Screenshot_20230311_105618….jpg)

File: 86071eef6c1c999⋯.jpg (702.96 KB,2400x1080,20:9,Screenshot_20230311_110145….jpg)

File: 45f4240a7a8c211⋯.jpg (348.41 KB,2400x1080,20:9,Screenshot_20230311_110219….jpg)

File: 4323355a29b50aa⋯.jpg (312.85 KB,2400x1080,20:9,Screenshot_20230311_110237….jpg)

File: a52f0ac1f5abc9d⋯.jpg (411.51 KB,2400x1080,20:9,Screenshot_20230311_110240….jpg)

yeah….. but TRUTH, right?

God knows you're all about the truth

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981970 No.368244

File: 0b70e8283295b2e⋯.jpg (426.64 KB,2400x1080,20:9,Screenshot_20230311_110252….jpg)

File: 1f71c00fd74ff32⋯.jpg (407.26 KB,2400x1080,20:9,Screenshot_20230311_110258….jpg)

File: eb166f9aa73bbc4⋯.jpg (398.34 KB,2400x1080,20:9,Screenshot_20230311_110320….jpg)

File: 3c3449e2b852fc8⋯.jpg (385.84 KB,2400x1080,20:9,Screenshot_20230311_110325….jpg)

File: 03b81ead5c859a7⋯.jpg (592.5 KB,908x902,454:451,Screenshot_20230311_094207.jpg)

And nobody can differentiate between truth and fiction better than you, isn't that right junkie?

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981970 No.368245

File: aaa4fa61edc19da⋯.jpg (250.46 KB,1080x1764,30:49,Picsart_23_03_10_21_05_25_….jpg)

TRUTH…… andFREEDOMright?

Isn't that what you thought everybody was going to be talking about on your empty Wasteland of the worst-named, most poorly conceived idea for an image board in the history of the internet, right?…

You know the one I'm talking about.. your freedom board that you "OWN" (lol)

The one you're not using because nobody goes there.. so you come here instead.. you remember it I'm sure


ahhh, yes…. THE least interesting topic you could have possibly conceived, and your numbers on your board prove it

it seems like Nancy would have enjoyed the freedom of not having your hepatitis C

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981970 No.368246

File: b654da41ab9e2a7⋯.jpg (476.61 KB,1080x1764,30:49,Picsart_23_03_11_17_19_33_….jpg)


I heard that NASA & SLIM WHITMAN are now categorizing all humans who shared used heroin syringes with other junkies in Portland Oregon then moved to Washington State and sexually transmitted their hepatitis C to their unwitting girlfriend asHOMO JUNKIS HEPATICUS


You're just a cowardly 103 lb 8 ft tall weak and defenseless walking petri dish, a transport unit for Hepatitis C and word circles…

The saddest part is technically, the same goes for Nancy now

I'd say Nancy would make a lucrative prostitute, and since you don't have a job that would come in handy, especially considering the fact that you're a scumbag

But she's not going to get many customers with your hep C

You might have flushed your life down a toilet for the tip of a used syringe, but the average prostitution customer has a little bit of self-respect

Looks like you'll just have to stick with pimping out your daughters, and you can simply continue using Nancy as a servant

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981970 No.368248

File: f147bf1087cfe43⋯.jpg (567.21 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Picsart_23_03_12_12_17_57_….jpg)

I find it absolutely fascinating that you have some kind of top secret direct hotline, where you can access all the top secrettruthnobody else knows…

The same type of that top secret direct hotline "Batphone" that the highest level intelligence agents for White House insiders use to accesstop secret Insider info

Especially considering the fact that you are quite literally just a lazy excuse making unemployed welfare recipient diseased former needle junkie scumbag lying white trash piece of shit who lives in meager amenities in one of the shittiest parts of the United States…

Not exactly "elite" or even vaguely "important"

I still don't understand why they picked a white trash hillbilly to access this top secret information, but if you say so.. I believe it

Perhaps it has something to do with your close ties with Tucker Carlson

Perhaps Tucker put in a good word for you at the bat phone Department

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981970 No.368249

I just had an idea…

I have an actual friend in real life who just so happens to be a tiktok moron, who quite literally gets his "top security clearance level Insider information from TikTok, just like you…

I'm going to text him and pretend like I just came across this top secret Insider information about homo cyborg garbage….

I'm going to wait and see what his response is then I'm going to do a screenshot

He also believes the world is flat, because he saw it on tiktok

It will be hilarious watching him agree with you (he's stupid as fuck)

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981970 No.368250

I'm going to copy and paste your own idiotic words and text it to him.. that will make him think I'm schizophrenic just like you and him…

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981970 No.368251

File: e111d8265de87dc⋯.jpg (216.5 KB,1080x1991,1080:1991,Screenshot_20230312_220147.jpg)

God knows how long it might take him to read the text, but I can't wait to see his idiotic response, because he's just as gullible and uninformed as you

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981970 No.368252

Nancy's got really really shitty taste in men, , doesn't she?…

I mean, look at you

You're like one of those used car parking lot air dancers pretending to be a biker

She actually contracted hepatitis c, and the only thing she got was a white trash air dancer gigglingHomo Gigglus EdWynnius

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629409 No.368258

File: 3315e05c254485b⋯.jpg (296.23 KB,935x1993,935:1993,Screenshot_20230313_082942.jpg)

he finally responded, less than enthusiastically


apparently, he would consider Jerry part of the extreme fringe

it seems he's suggesting BITCHoot is for broke schizos?

(this guy has money)

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629409 No.368259


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629409 No.368264

>thinks RUMBLE or TRUTH SOCIAL or GAB or000PM ujhITCHoot or ODYSEE or TIKTOK are news organizations



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629409 No.368265

File: 3a084123c2e8fe1⋯.png (773.64 KB,1080x1635,72:109,BackgroundEraser_20230105_….png)



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