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File: 7eb855cf6cc1748⋯.png (581.88 KB,1011x701,1011:701,235213.png)

9150e3 No.368015

Beyond Third World: Democrat Bill In Baltimore Would Drop Felony Charges For MURDER

As if violent crime in the cities of America is not systemic enough… Democrats in Baltimore, Maryland have introduced a bill that would prevent anyone under the age of 25 from facing first-degree murder charges in certain circumstances.

The legislation, House Bill 1180, was introduced by Democratic Delegate Charlotte Crutchfield, who hilariously calls it the 'Youth Accountability and Safety Act.'

The bill, which is working its way through the House, has faced significant pushback from conservatives.

"It would be absolutely outrageous and result in more crime," said law enforcement expert Maury Richards, former Chief of Police of Martinsburg, West Virginia, Fox5 Baltimore reports. "Last year, with Senator Carter's Juvenile Justice Reform Act, it really opened the floodgates. There is a crime wave of violence going on right now, but instead of the legislator debating to rescind that, we're hung up on whether 25-year-olds should be charged with murder."

"They know the difference between right and wrong. They're just not being held accountable and they don't care about right or wrong," said Folden.

And according to GOP Delegate Susan McComas of Hartford County, "This bill is the definition of insanity. We are going to legalize murder as long as people are under 25. Outrageous."

Even Democratic Delegate Carl Jackson of Baltimore County thinks it's absurd. "I believe that accountability must be at the center of any discussion regarding the criminal justice system," he said.

MY COMMENT: If this doesn't prove to Americans that corruption in politics can create a bit of a problem, then nothing will!


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9ecef4 No.368024

File: 0a4dde9658d996e⋯.jpg (85.2 KB,1140x641,1140:641,PicsArt_04_12_04_24_38.jpg)


Seattle no longer even investigates rapes. They won't even take a police report about them. It's how Leftard Progressives actually think. They encourage Niggerish behavior, and they think everyone deserves it. Remember, they HATE Humans, including themselves.

Leftard Progressives are not too bright. Maybe they should just go hop in the suicide pods and stop coming up with stupid ideas.

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000000 No.368451

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b46f54 No.368487

bumping back absolute true news

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b172f9 No.368526

bumping factual news

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f8bd94 No.368561

bumping blacklisted news

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b46f54 No.368614

bumping third world news in a third world country

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e4975b No.368651

bumping obvious news

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000000 No.368842

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.369671

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4873e3 No.370906

bumping third world news

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53c3c6 No.371864

bumping top notch news

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0570f0 No.373022

bumping top notch news

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7cd26d No.374090

bumping educated news

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c527e3 No.375130

bumping improved news

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0570f0 No.376402

bumping non-bias news

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6e2b96 No.377057

bumping popular legit news

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417e05 No.378293

bumping pragmatic news

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7cd26d No.380477

bumping reliable news

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