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Every six months when I log in, I remain flabbergasted that my admin permissions have not been revoked. I miss old fullchan!

File: f64334a8d12e5e7⋯.jpg (64.75 KB,1120x94,560:47,467437.jpg)

6f5e06 No.367591


MY COMMENT: Right now I am transitioning all the real news to other undisclosed locations, which will be sites and boards that are heavily moderated, that do curb and ban outright spam. I am currently being appreciated elsewhere for my work, and due to Johnny GLOWTUNE's relentless lies and spamming it is absolutely counter-productive for me to stay here any longer. I will start posting to other moderated boards on 8kun, such as Qresearch, not because I believe "Q" or the silly movement, but simply to inform them of current events and help contribute true news. I'd like to thank the lurkers for appreciating factual legit news while it lasted here.

As for Johnny Neptune, he gets what he deserves: A DEAD ASS BOARD FULL OF SPAM.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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