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eeddb8 No.367496

Deliberate Destabilization Continues Full Steam Ahead To 2030



Seems like a pattern… let’s not forget all the food processing plants destroyed as well.


If they investigate train derailments like they do plane crashes and shut them down until causes are found by grounding that particular type, then maybe railroad conglomerates would be more apt to ongoing maintenance that is supposed to be performed. Too fast of speed by onboard conductors or maintenance of track systems are the cause. These conglomerates are trying to save a buck by not maintaining the wheel assemblies, braking systems and or tracks. They don’t need to have hearings for this. Just like every other transport business there are regulatory agencies local and federal that are supposed to be conducting records checks and maintenance inspections. Who is not ensuring the rail systems are safe? Trains, no matter their cargo are literally bombs moving at speeds in excess of 80 mph through towns and cities.


Good observations. And good question. But the answer is: because they WANT us to have a decrepit, third-world rail system, which means no rail system. That way we are all dependent on trucks and trucks alone. Ooh! Wait! They don’t like diesel fuel, which trucks run on! It’s a classic pincer attack.


Dernon sums it up. Deliberate destabilization, which I have been reporting since Obama came into office! The WEF'ers SAID IT OPENLY AND PUBLICLY, it's well documented, "you will own nothing" (by 2030, their bench-marked year for their "Great Reset"). Well how do you get people to own nothing when they have an economy to purchase things and own things!? You must destroy the economy! You also have to destroy the infrastructure too, making it harder for people to recover and barter goods at the local level, which they DO NOT want us doing either!

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b297e3 No.367664


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9d32bf No.367753


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000000 No.367971

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8f2c90 No.370076

real news anti-slide

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92300c No.370197

bumping non-State-run news

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cd04a9 No.370227

bumping total news

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9d32bf No.370299

bumping appreciated news

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e86745 No.370325

bumping certified real news

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6615d4 No.370392

bumping absolute legit news

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ea8104 No.371395

bumping genius news

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d5aba6 No.371508

bumping true news

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d48f4b No.371994

bumping appreciated news

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900ad1 No.372308

bumping third world news

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b297e3 No.373710

bumping non-State-run news

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357f68 No.373831

bumping confirmed news

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474dfa No.373891

real news anti-slide #2990917

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b297e3 No.374113

bumping proven true news

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d2adf3 No.375134

bumping correct news

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b297e3 No.375816

bumping popular legit news

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357f68 No.376452

bumping factual news

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eb6359 No.377407

bumping accurate news

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900ad1 No.379259

bumping inspirational news

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b297e3 No.380502

America is now a communist country hijacked by despots.

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