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c2d59e No.367025

Lab Test Results For Chickenshit Child Molester Now Disclosed!


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2a2719 No.367032

Lab Test Results For Chicken Feed Brands Now Disclosed!

RELATED: >>>/news/19700

Aflatoxin results:

Aflatoxins are highly toxic chemicals created by molds and fungi. They are known to be fatal to chickens, cows, horses and other animals if consumed in large enough quantities. Aflatoxins are very common in oats, wheat, corn, peanuts and various grains. They are likely the No. 1 contamination problem in agriculture today.

Aflatoxin limits in the USA for crops such as corn are 20 ppb. Anything under 20 ppb is considered “safe” by the FDA. Other countries have more strict limits. The EU, for many years, had a limit of 4 ppb for many agricultural products.

Here are the actual numbers our tests showed:

– Purina Layena Layer Crumbles: 1.5 ppb

– Flock Party Egg Maker Pellets: 1.4 ppb

– Nature’s Best Organic Egg Layer Pellets: 1.8 ppb

– (Tractor Supply brand) Producer’s Pride 16% Layer Feed Mini Pellets: 2.9 ppb

– DuMor 16% Egg Maxx Pellets: 1.1 ppb

– DuMor Organic 16% Layer Crumble: 1.9 ppb

Glyphosate results:

Glyphosate is a weed killer chemical linked to various cancers and endocrine system disruption in humans and animals. It’s often used as a desiccant and sprayed on crops to dry them more quickly before final harvest… even on non-GMO crops. This is why glyphosate often ends up in wheat, legumes, alfalfa and other crops that aren’t even GMO.

Here are the actual numbers we found:

– Purina Layena Layer Crumbles: 10.7 ppb

– Flock Party Egg Maker Pellets: 10.5 ppb

– Nature’s Best Organic Egg Layer Pellets: 1.8 ppb

– (Tractor Supply brand) Producer’s Pride 16% Layer Feed Mini Pellets: 19.8 ppb

– DuMor 16% Egg Maxx Pellets: 2.5 ppb

– DuMor Organic 16% Layer Crumble: 0 ppb

Importantly, none of these levels of glyphosate set off any alarm bells in my mind. These are not high enough, in my opinion, to explain chickens being unable to lay eggs. It is noteworthy, however, that if you wish to avoid glyphosate, you should buy organic. The organic brands tested here showed the lowest levels.



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2a2719 No.367033


Toxic elements and heavy metals: Mercury, Arsenic, Cadmium and Lead:

We also tested all the brands for toxic elements and nutritive minerals. For the toxic elements, we look at Mercury (Hg), Arsenic (As), Cadmium (Cd) and Lead (Pb).

On the positive side, all the brands tested at zero mercury. This is expected, since mercury is “sticky” and very rarely finds its way into agricultural products unless plants are grown in a toxic mercury dump.

Here are the toxic element results we found:

Purina Layena Layer Crumbles

379.4(As) 152.7(Cd) 285.9(Pb)

Flock Party Egg Maker Pellets

268.6(As) 74.8(Cd) 223.4(Pb)

Nature’s Best Organic Egg Layer Pellets

137.6(As) 102.7(Cd) 237.6(Pb)

Producer’s Pride 16% Layer Feed Mini Pellets

178.6(As) 74.2(Cd) 113.6(Pb)

DuMor 16% Egg Maxx Pellets

892.8(As) 689.9(Cd) 588.6

DuMor Organic 16% Layer Crumble

269.5(As) 151.7(Cd) 345.4(Pb)



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c2d59e No.367037

File: a2b613930cf40d8⋯.jpg (514.07 KB,869x845,869:845,Screenshot_20230308_104220.jpg)


your lab results are in


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c2d59e No.367038

File: 2fab9fb66307791⋯.jpg (321.96 KB,1080x723,360:241,Screenshot_20230308_104355.jpg)


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c2d59e No.367039


you sure as fuck don't have the balls to PUNCH A MAN, you fucking coward

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c2d59e No.367040

File: b40638f4898c4ab⋯.jpg (385.21 KB,987x1264,987:1264,Screenshot_20230308_104755.jpg)




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