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197afd No.366695

ANON COMMENTS: Trying to prepare, but am getting old, not sure I have 10 years left in me, and I have no community. Can't do it on my own. Don't think many can. Don't think isolation will change anything in the world at large either. Small communities that work together in some ways, and trade amongst each other, might be able to be effective, but I can barely handle my garden and chickens. When the hordes come, and they will, as one man I might be able to pick a few of them off before they kill me, but they still win. Same with the overwhelming force that modern police will send over some stupid shit like my refusal to cull my chickens or something. They would all be only too happy to kill a man over chickens, or to make an example, or just to take my shit.

No community? Haven't got a prayer of a chance. I don't even like people that much. How am I supposed to get a community? I mean, that's the REAL Preparation, ain't it? Guns ain't shit once you're badly wounded or dead. The way these animals that the State is protecting as though they are humans are acting, I am liable to make a Citizen's Arrest, then get hauled off to jail for detaining a dangerous animal, or executing one. Sure, stay out of the cities! Yeah, but I need community to do that. I am an old man. This shit is coming EVERYWHERE. Even small towns like mine are putting up the 5G towers and blue lights. I could take out a few of those too, but would find myself either locked up under constant lights or dead just for trying to save people from the EMF Radiation that is the REAL Virus.

Hate to say it, but as a species, we are Doomed if the Smartphones and AI are allowed to continue to exist. Doomed.

A small community living way out somewhere that does not allow much in the way of technology might survive for awhile. I mean, until the swarms of drones are sent in for the kill.

Where's my electromagnetic pulse weapon?

I'm starting to get blackpilled again.

I will continue being blackpilled until I have a Community of like-minded individuals around me. And so few humans even attempt to think for themselves anymore, so, how to prepare for more dumbing down? More idiots? More chances of some fuckup fucking up? My trust levels are at an all time low. I hurt like shit, can barely move some days. How to prepare for it getting even worse?

MY COMMENT TO ANON: Family and local community is very important, but in the end survival is still not guaranteed to anyone. Even folks who live rural and tucked-away like myself and my family. I often am overwhelmed too thinking about all the ways they could kill us, by drones, strategic arson attacks, electromagnetic warfare or new strains of bio-weapons - and they might do that at some point - but until then we have to do whatever we can to survive and lay low. After all we are living in the days of horrific corruption, extreme glut and terrifying authoritarianism. As sad as it may be, if things continue to get worse, as I suspect they will, death might not be such a bad thing. I've made a life commitment resisting this evil. If it means my own death so be it. There are many people just like you out there, so do the best you can and get right with God. When times get really bad I suspect people will be forced to form local allies and communities, they won't have a choice not to if they wish to survive. Keep that in mind if you have neighbors nearby.

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a7ec1f No.366737

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"not sure I have another month in me"


but then again, you NEVER WERE SURE

And you decided to waste your entire existence worrying about tomorrow, pretending you could predict the future

Trying to convince other people they need to modify their existence to match your pathetic example



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000000 No.366926

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6a594d No.367153

bumping back true news

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000000 No.367869

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.368350

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.368735

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.369582

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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