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0ada85 No.366620

(WFLA) — A Florida man ended up in a hospital after his reckless driving landed him in a truck’s path, according to deputies.

A deputy tried to pull over a group of motorcyclists that were “popping wheelies” on Old Dixie Highway on Friday night when they drove off, the Volusia Sheriff’s Office said.

According to the sheriff’s office, the motorcyclists were fleeing at a high speed while they passed vehicles in a no-passing zone.

The group later ran a red light at an intersection where, deputies said, one biker, Joshua Richardson, looked back and stuck out his middle finger at the pursuing deputies.

Dashcam video showed Richardson turning his attention back to the road and ending up in the path of an oncoming truck, which crashed into him.

While the sheriff’s office said this was a “good way to get yourself killed,” Richardson survived the crash.

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