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File: f344b795ecf11d2⋯.jpg (151.45 KB,1619x794,1619:794,4345.jpg)

da9371 No.366603

Sup 8kun? tourist from cripple here, is there anyway we can get the happy merchant trending on tiktok? I don't use that god forsaken platform but I wanna make the happy merchant great again

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73caf1 No.366609


To get something trending, you have to actually use the platform upon which you want it trending. We are not your personal army.

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6751f8 No.366635


you won't be needing any apps or filters for deep nuts to begin trending on your face

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6751f8 No.366636



that's odd….

1: being a tourist costs money…

otherwise you're just a vagrant

2: most tourists bring their wife along

or at least one of their girlfriends

3: leaving your mother's spare bedroom is a prerequisite for most tours

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989a9f No.366649

File: 9055981557860e0⋯.gif (3.6 MB,1024x768,4:3,gif_09_06_08_26_16.gif)


> most tourists bring their wife along

> or at least one of their girlfriends

But not (You), Jewny, because (You) don't want your wife to know how (You) gave her Hepatitis C that (You) contracted from stepping on one (You)r girlfriend Jill's dirty needles she left lying around (You)r filthy apartment while (You) were both abusing drugs together.

(You're right. This is fun, attacking Personas!)

This post has the added benefit of being True.

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