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File: 2ba1309d941526c⋯.jpg (9.58 KB,396x303,132:101,58b973b3a20bf2969b8642621e….jpg)

127001 No.366600

one lone schizo

screaming in the void

desperately seeking (You)s

but there are none to be had

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54f18b No.366616

lol @ you beingSO NEW HEREthat you don't realize who JN is, or realize what he's systematically accomplishing in here.

hint: (you)s areEGG ZACK LEEwhat he's ELIMINATING, not"seeking"

and you pride yourself on being "observant"??

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54f18b No.366617



other than mommy…

i guess you're not as smart as you thought?

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d0e74b No.366621

>needs vagina for validation


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54f18b No.366626


>rationalized the fact that YOU'RE NOT SEXUSLLY ATTRACTED TO FEMALES

homosexual without a job

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54f18b No.366627


>pretends it's normal for a male to not be sexually attracted to women

mommy's little videogame sissy

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54f18b No.366629

File: baef586cc2c5b34⋯.png (1.15 MB,1416x1080,59:45,Picsart_23_03_06_11_40_56_….png)


>never had a woman think he's more interesting than a stupid nigger named Quantavius

trust me, unemployed moochboy….

all women have you figured out

including your mother.


but you're not a man

you've never had a woman

tell you she loves you

you can't support yourself

go play another videogame

little sissyboy

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54f18b No.366631

File: e596b48cb8bebd8⋯.png (1.21 MB,1416x1080,59:45,Picsart_23_03_06_11_47_44_….png)


wifi costs money, little girl

so does electricity

and a mortgage

and food

butyou can't afford to pay those things

you can't fuck

you can't fight

you refuse to work

you can't support yourself

videogame time !!

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54f18b No.366632

File: 2aca89e7f4dbcf2⋯.jpg (232.21 KB,1633x1080,1633:1080,Picsart_23_03_06_11_58_18_….jpg)


the free ride won't last forever,you inexperienced little mooch

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54f18b No.366633

File: 487851e0a21fdf5⋯.jpg (222.2 KB,1633x1080,1633:1080,Picsart_23_03_06_12_03_39_….jpg)

lol you pathetic motherfucker

as if "girls laughing at you"

was YOUR decision

how's that videogame going?

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d372d1 No.366634



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