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File: 3c32c4d8ae51422⋯.jpg (52.07 KB,519x629,519:629,google_.jpg)

0260ba No.366388

can jannies ban that boomer schizo shitting up every thread?

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3978c8 No.366390

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3978c8 No.366391

File: aff451f84f20268⋯.jpg (222.19 KB,1080x1309,1080:1309,Picsart_23_03_05_08_55_06_….jpg)


are you telling me that you're not man enough to do something about it?

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531e76 No.366393


instead of throwing a temper tantrum about your powerlessness, (not only your powerlessness is here, but your overall powerlessness in life, your inability to accomplish even the most basic life goals) perhaps you'd be better off listing the multitude of reasons why you can't even find a desperate fat ugly woman who thinks you're more attractive than a nigger?

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531e76 No.366395


I woke up next to my wife this morning. we had a GREAT night last night. .

just because you're married, it doesn't mean you stop partying on Friday & Saturday nights…

I got my dick sucked BIGTIME…

what videogame are you currently dating?

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531e76 No.366396

File: 9e0c909cb1d7640⋯.jpg (119.43 KB,1850x1480,5:4,PicsArt_07_12_10_57_52.jpg)


dude…… there are over four billion women on Planet Earth….


but you can't even find ONE that thinks your life has value?

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531e76 No.366397

File: afa4d7296c20e91⋯.jpg (371.25 KB,1944x2592,3:4,IMG_20171117_112711.jpg)


and YES, of course your mother thinks your life has value……

and YEAH, she's a woman…….

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a89716 No.366399

File: 20401f058064dd8⋯.jpg (220.75 KB,1280x1233,1280:1233,PicsArt_04_05_12_01_44.jpg)

……but your plight is painfully clear:

you want someone else

to protect you

from me

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18ab52 No.366408

File: fe783b06141c3b4⋯.png (1.08 MB,960x1280,3:4,wendy_dec_2nd_2017.png)

lol and you actually "wonder why" none of the 4 billion are interested?


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c40ec9 No.366419

File: e1779c69cbad80b⋯.jpg (232.88 KB,1080x1309,1080:1309,Picsart_23_03_05_10_21_42_….jpg)


the only part I don't understand…..

why are you afraid of ME?

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4af411 No.366530

File: ea9cc0b694c9b2c⋯.jpg (177.51 KB,1242x1080,23:20,Picsart_23_03_05_11_15_33_….jpg)

I thought you were supposed to be some kind Modern Age Elite Cutting Edge "Superior Badass"….


so why can't you handleme???

after all…. I'm only ONE person…

according to you, I'm just a Schizo Boomer…. irrelevant…..

so WHY are you afraid ofoneirrelevant schizo boomer?

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4af411 No.366573

File: 11ff82aa5fc4a0c⋯.jpg (219.78 KB,1080x1309,1080:1309,Picsart_23_03_05_12_16_13_….jpg)

I can't imagine a young vibrant

badass elite superior cutting-edge

self-confident white supremacist

like YOU being intimidated by

an old irrelevant boomer likeME

it doesn't make sense

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4af411 No.366574


…I bet you get ALL the girls….

don't you?

admit it, Hitler

You're a Ladies' Man

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4af411 No.366575



Man Gets Banned from 4chan, Gets Sent Back To Beg To Be Unbanned!

more details at 11

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