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File: 16f4d81d229c99e⋯.jpg (68.63 KB,1100x619,1100:619,230303180852_trump_file_01….jpg)

6ae9bb No.366383

said he would launch a contest to charter up to 10 "freedom cities" roughly the size of Washington, DC, on undeveloped federal land.

"We'll actually build new cities in our country again," Trump said in the video. "These freedom cities will reopen the frontier, reignite American imagination, and give hundreds of thousands of young people and other people, all hardworking families, a new shot at home ownership and in fact, the American dream.


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845299 No.366385

"freedom cities"


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f976ea No.366389

File: 0c1ceba8c7ff0ab⋯.jpg (259.72 KB,1123x1210,1123:1210,Every_Politician.JPG)

File: 829dab10c11f4e2⋯.jpg (361.86 KB,1123x1966,1123:1966,Trump.jpg)

File: 453e5d0a6554aa2⋯.jpg (239.91 KB,1123x1323,1123:1323,Bidens.jpg)

Everyone you see, hear and read. Try this yourself. The key is their type of psychopathy is genetically connected to their transgenderism.

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