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6690a8 No.366278

MY COMMENT: I just read an interesting thread about an old psychotic unmedicated paranoid schizophrenic lunatic alcoholic delusional "I believe in Jesus lol" nutcase who shoots innocent defenseless animals because his 73 year old diabetes dick hasn't gotten hard in 37 years, but when he has an unfair advantage like using a firearm to injure and murder an innocent animal, or when abusing women and children, suddenly Mr. Lunatic Limpdick feels like he's a badass, but if another man challenges him, then Mr. Lunatic Limpdick runs away like a bitch….

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a7b2c5 No.366279


Anon, I've known guys like that before, who always talked about "their guns" or "gun rights" or "second amendment" blah blah blah blah guns guns guns

none of them got pussy. if by some chance they were married or dating, they still couldn't get an erection, so they overcompensated with continual "gun talk", because in bed, they were basically women.

just saying

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96fc90 No.366281


let me make sure I understand this. so, you're telling me that men who always talk about gun rights are actually just compensating for small, flaccid penises and a lack of masculinity?…..

yep, I can see that….. makes sense

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6690a8 No.366282

File: 66aead9de3dcdde⋯.jpg (460.51 KB,960x1568,30:49,1677863703864.jpg)


yep…. and that explains why

that type of coward would pick

women, children & animals to

abuse, because they are simply

too afraid to stand face to face

with another man.

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3a8932 No.366283


if I'm not mistaken, you're talking about Killeen in your little diatribe, but what's confusing me is you ARE Killeen !!

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1ffef2 No.366289


when you said this Psychotic Child Abuser "abused his wife and daughter", where you saying he basically abandoned both of them while still living under the same roof, and trapped his poor wife into a horrid unloving marriage to a controlling abusive alcoholic schizophrenic asshole who woke up every morning with another end of the world scenario to distract everybody with, I'm trying to make himself appear as if he was particularly knowledgeable or had Insider information, while in reality he had no power or authority in life whatsoever, had no sexual drive for his wife, and the last time he got an erection was when he admitted fondling his 6-year-old daughter in Missouri decades ago?

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6690a8 No.366290

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44f561 No.366293


and furthermore, are you also suggesting this horrible man actually sat and did nothing while he wants his wife Express her unhappiness and even begin engaging in self-destructive behavior, literally slowly trying to kill herself because she was so miserable in her marriage with this selfish greedy narcissistic alcoholic unmedicated paranoid schizophrenic coward?

And are you trying to suggest he actually enjoyed watching her self-destruct and Fall to Pieces because he exploits and victimizes the weak and defenseless, so this made him feel like a real man for the first time in his life, as his wife literally killed herself.. literally killed herself.. are you telling me his wife literally killed herself because she was so unhappy with him?

and he never even told her "I love you" except for 3 times, all of them taking place in the first year of their horrid relationship and psychotic prison of mental illness and suicide?

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6690a8 No.366295


egg zack Lee


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582092 No.366301


sounds like a real dick

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