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File: 183b22f8a5ee362⋯.jpg (192 KB,1080x946,540:473,Picsart_23_03_02_12_46_52_….jpg)

d0a9ad No.366106

Q : What Kind of Man Enjoys Abusing His Wife, Disregarding His Daughter's Unhappiness, Shoots Innocent Animals, but Doesn't Have The Courage To Face a Man?

A : a Demon

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080d89 No.366111


I was here last week and I saw him tell you how he said that and throw his wife into anorexia, destroying herself because she was so unhappy her marriage to an alcoholic abusive husband.

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d0a9ad No.366112

File: 80456e70e32b79d⋯.jpg (785.46 KB,960x1568,30:49,1677776520557.jpg)

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eeb7cb No.366118


anon abused his wife and daughter? really?

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d0a9ad No.366120

File: e28bd3efcae3182⋯.jpg (758.33 KB,960x1568,30:49,1677776494495.jpg)




he kills animals

he's big and tough…..

when his victims are defenseless

but he ain't got big enough balls

to go toe to toe with another man

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3716df No.366123


I see. he sounds like a real coward.

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d0a9ad No.366125

File: 1d90172c572abaa⋯.jpg (790.65 KB,960x1568,30:49,1677774245855.jpg)


he's a narcissistic, powerless,

low IQ, mentally ill, addicted,

weak, terrified coward.

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6f15c8 No.366126


I've met lots of weak washed-up old cowards before, and they always talk big shit, but without their guns, they're the biggest cowards on earth. they hide behind a false machismo of guns, gun rights, blah blah blah because they are nothing more than weak spineless cowards who can't fight or defend themselves.

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d0a9ad No.366129

File: 4f87e9f726248cb⋯.jpg (460.8 KB,1080x1764,30:49,Picsart_23_03_02_11_09_48_….jpg)


he's a pathetic, cruel, selfish, uncaring

evil psychotic abusive unloving old fool

a terrible unloving husband

a distant abusive neglectful father

who enjoys murdering animals

buthe's terrified of ME

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8f9e5d No.366131


that's because he can only abuse the weak, the women, the children, the animals, the vulnerable. if he tried that with another man, he'd have his ass kicked and the top of his head hammered in with his own firearm. he wouldnt be able to do a damn thing about it. obviously.

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d0a9ad No.366139

File: 1b2770e6faf7bd4⋯.jpg (870.43 KB,960x1568,30:49,1677774163141.jpg)


It would be hilarious watching him try to hurt an animal or abuse a child or berate a woman in front ofME

because I don't care if he's got a gun

he's not man enough to stand up to me

And he's sure as fuck not man enough to shoot me

(I would take his gun from him, then find an illegal Mexican immigrant to sodomize him with his own firearm)

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