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Every six months when I log in, I remain flabbergasted that my admin permissions have not been revoked. I miss old fullchan!

File: 9837d3b6d02d228⋯.png (492.62 KB,800x717,800:717,9837d3b6d02d2281c3d8ffc068….png)

5242e7 No.366077

got banned in 4ch /pol/ what the bloody hell is this place? who is this Killeen person anyway? he sounds insane. where's the moderator? just ban Killeen and get it over with.

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3dbe65 No.366384


No idea man. I'm here because the faggot gobernment took down 420chan. The entire board seems to be an argument between some boomer who is presumably the owner and some chatbot/schizo. What a fucking mess. Can't someone just make a 4chan clone and host it in sibera or something wtf is this shit.

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