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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Every six months when I log in, I remain flabbergasted that my admin permissions have not been revoked. I miss old fullchan!

File: af7716791d59b85⋯.jpg (245.3 KB,1080x1257,360:419,Picsart_23_03_01_16_56_07_….jpg)

0621c1 No.365837

I would start to filter any tap water you might be drinking and be careful where you get your food. They're going to try finding new avenues to get these "vaccines" into unsuspecting victims.

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0621c1 No.365839

File: 5fb23b75575707b⋯.jpg (234.75 KB,1080x1277,1080:1277,Picsart_23_03_01_15_43_10_….jpg)

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0621c1 No.365840

File: a59629212171575⋯.jpg (316.59 KB,1080x1305,24:29,Picsart_23_03_01_17_02_59_….jpg)

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0621c1 No.365841

File: 5173b28ac964ac8⋯.jpg (181.26 KB,1194x1138,597:569,Picsart_23_03_01_11_41_40_….jpg)

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0621c1 No.365842

File: 2553b2fbbb88b69⋯.jpg (620.01 KB,1080x2177,1080:2177,Screenshot_20230301_112937….jpg)

File: 5570d8867b16396⋯.jpg (338.52 KB,893x607,893:607,Screenshot_20230301_114546.jpg)

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0621c1 No.365843

File: e01c32e7be01df4⋯.jpg (292.61 KB,1080x2035,216:407,Picsart_23_03_01_11_54_54_….jpg)

Ashley Schneider says

"NO More Elderly Odor!!"

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0621c1 No.365844

File: 86fb17b55c62ffe⋯.jpg (225.65 KB,1080x1080,1:1,86fb17b55c62ffe372cdbb4106….jpg)

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0621c1 No.365845

File: 6fb5764d788350c⋯.jpg (191.49 KB,1080x1080,1:1,6fb5764d788350c2710cde88d6….jpg)

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0621c1 No.365846

File: d23914b75eb181c⋯.jpg (212.95 KB,1080x1080,1:1,d23914b75eb181c3d7ef609756….jpg)

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0621c1 No.365847

File: 3db22d9205937bf⋯.jpg (297.76 KB,1080x1277,1080:1277,Picsart_23_03_01_16_40_29_….jpg)

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0621c1 No.365848

File: 6a769013386be9b⋯.jpg (226.16 KB,1080x1080,1:1,6a769013386be9b723245baad4….jpg)

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0621c1 No.365849

File: 81295bca4f6c65e⋯.jpg (266.36 KB,1080x1277,1080:1277,Picsart_23_03_01_16_35_11_….jpg)

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