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f5f2dd No.365700

Normal People Are Try To Make Money, Better People Arelife is a 2-way street

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c50bf2 No.365701


there you are, Ashley!! I've been looking for you all night.

I was prepared to donate $400 to your book, so you can publish your a

mazing ideas and save the world.

but then I realized "she probably needs more than just $400", so I'm now willing to donate $800…

I have my checkbook here in my hand

should I mail it to 500 Allen Street?

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bdc1d7 No.365702


by the way she doesn't need your $800 anymore.

Killcen has agreed to allow Ashley to trade sex for cigarettes in Missouri

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1da096 No.365703


you've arranged to TRADE SEX FOR CIGARETTES? oh well, I guess you don't need this $1,200 I was about to wire you.

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