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File: 8421825fd5dfe7d⋯.jpg (1.12 MB,1080x2177,1080:2177,Screenshot_20230228_225702….jpg)

70b556 No.365692

US Military Faces A Suicide Crisis, And The Pentagon Wants To Disarm Soldiers

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70b556 No.365693

File: d8cb429de1a34a3⋯.jpg (939.31 KB,956x1565,956:1565,Screenshot_20230228_230141.jpg)

File: f2e0bf5b9a3b6ac⋯.jpg (931.5 KB,958x1565,958:1565,Screenshot_20230228_230211.jpg)

File: fb588ca1c00bf56⋯.jpg (1.15 MB,1080x1651,1080:1651,Screenshot_20230228_230111.jpg)

File: feb9b7fba3426da⋯.jpg (1.14 MB,1080x1607,1080:1607,Screenshot_20230228_225818.jpg)

File: 0ffa3495e5ddc96⋯.jpg (970.94 KB,1080x1660,54:83,Screenshot_20230228_230357.jpg)

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70b556 No.365694

File: f053c6b1ed2f676⋯.jpg (1016.66 KB,1080x1645,216:329,Screenshot_20230228_230048.jpg)

disleg them, too

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70b556 No.365695

File: ecabfa3e331594d⋯.jpg (41.81 KB,512x512,1:1,7NPV2CPkvIlJSKdbvCVj_4_s80….jpg)

File: c8d52ab937c02c2⋯.jpg (47.75 KB,512x512,1:1,7NPV2CPkvIlJSKdbvCVj_3_rip….jpg)

File: bf279547b4b3414⋯.jpg (781.89 KB,1063x1652,1063:1652,Screenshot_20230228_225601.jpg)

File: 70ee7f64f36f89b⋯.jpg (839.04 KB,1080x1630,108:163,Screenshot_20230228_225903.jpg)

File: 5366cb0248a4482⋯.jpg (769.87 KB,958x1537,958:1537,Screenshot_20230228_230000.jpg)

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70b556 No.365696

File: baf6fc3428a819f⋯.jpg (985.68 KB,947x1561,947:1561,Screenshot_20230228_231816.jpg)

File: 809f7753bc3ef15⋯.jpg (1.06 MB,953x1544,953:1544,Screenshot_20230228_231712.jpg)

File: a7846d76caf1984⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,956x1565,956:1565,Screenshot_20230228_231620.jpg)

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70b556 No.365697

File: fe8cf7d0864b56a⋯.jpg (583.24 KB,949x1526,949:1526,Screenshot_20230228_213058.jpg)

File: 85ceb65c6da7c5d⋯.jpg (53.29 KB,512x512,1:1,pW1xeFTpLctlyJC6JfSo_1_x5q….jpg)

File: 343ef2157e7736b⋯.jpg (54.29 KB,512x512,1:1,pW1xeFTpLctlyJC6JfSo_3_y9c….jpg)

File: e01279255a08754⋯.jpg (572.06 KB,1073x1640,1073:1640,Screenshot_20230228_213001.jpg)

File: de1a1d70e53d9d4⋯.jpg (49.39 KB,512x512,1:1,7NPV2CPkvIlJSKdbvCVj_2_ixc….jpg)

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