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bb965d No.365679

CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY CONFIRMED: Pfizer Knowingly Allowed Dangerous Components In Its Vaccinesand I've explained to Ashley that the diabetes left me flaccid, but she'll still have to suck it if she wants cigarettes

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20ff9e No.365680


I hope you plan on making her suck your 73-year-old flaccid penis for every pack of cigarettes she wants.

Definitely don't get suckered into some kind of scam like one blowjob for every carton of cigarettes.

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b953c8 No.365681


I agree! Ashley Ascension Joy Schneider needs to learn the value of a dollar, but even more importantly, she needs to learn the value of $7, which is the cost for a pack of discount Menthol nigger cigarettes in Missouri.

Namely, the value being 45 minutes with the 73-year-old flaccid wrinkly old disgusting penis in her mouth.

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d73851 No.365682


Don't listen to those other guys.. they are amateurs.. make her suck your nasty old dick for each and every cigarette.

After you buy a pack, dole them out to her, one by one…

Do not let her get her hands on an entire pack, and keep her strung out one cigarette at a time, having to clock in at her first job, with her face in your lap

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ebd033 No.365683


NYC here. the way we do it up here is pay for her one-way Greyhound ticket, then tell her the price of the Greyhound ticket has to be paid back before she gets any cigarette or food.

That's when you start beating her and driving her two different motel forcing her to turn tricks with anybody who happens to be in the parking lot.

invest in fentanyl, because by the time she's inadvertently ingested fentanyl in every sip of Coca-Cola for 3-days, Hill start going into a "dopesick", and you won't have to beat her into turning tricks anymore… she'll do it voluntarily

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7c5203 No.365684


When is the psychotic Messiah coming to missouri? Have you asked your daughter for permission yet? After all, it's not your house, and you've already caused enough damage to your daughter's marriage.. perhaps this time you should do something out of character, like being honest up front with your daughter for a change.

Imagine actually respecting your daughter…

Are you imagining that?… good!

Now just keep imagining it, and try to pretend like you actually respect her, and tell her she might have to buy twice as much whiskey for you now, plus cigarettes everyday..

And if she says no, just start crying like you always do, and tell her you're an old man and it's been decades since a woman put your penis in her mouth.

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