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25c8a9 No.365539

Third World USSA To Face Rolling Blackouts From Bad Energy Policies Warns Major Producer

RELATED: >>>/pnd/361628

A major energy producer is predicting rolling power outages and sustained blackouts over the next few years thanks to the Biden regime forcing the country into relying more on renewable energy and less on fossil fuels, just like Natural News founder and editor Mike Adams, along with top radio host and broadcaster Alex Jones, have been predicting.

“The warnings keep coming that the force-fed energy transition to renewable fuels is destabilizing the U.S. electric grid, but is anyone in government paying attention? Another S.O.S. came Friday in an ominous report from PJM Interconnection, one of the nation’s largest grid operators,” The Wall Street Journal‘s editorial board noted late last week.

The PJM report outlines a forecast of power supply and demand across the 13 eastern states within its territory, covering a population of 65 million, up to 2030. Its primary finding suggests that renewable sources are being developed at a slower pace than fossil-fuel power plants are retiring, which could result in energy “imbalances.” This is a tactful way of indicating that power shortages and blackouts are likely to occur, the board noted.

Typically, PJM generates a surplus of power due to its extensive fossil-fuel fleet, which it exports to nearby power grids in the Midwest and Northeast. When wind power declined in the Midwest and central states last week, PJM helped bridge the gap between supply and demand, thereby ensuring that the lights remained on, the WSJ board continued.

This is why PJM’s latest predictions are alarming, as the organization anticipates a significant decrease in its power reserves as coal and natural gas plants continue to retire, said the board. The report indicates that approximately 40,000 megawatts (MW) of power generation, equivalent to powering 30 million homes, may be retired by 2030. This represents approximately 21% of PJM’s existing generation capacity.

As per the report, the majority of anticipated power-plant retirements are a result of policy-driven factors. For instance, approximately 10,500 MW of fossil-fuel generation is expected to shut down due to the high costs associated with complying with Environmental Protection Agency regulations, which include a proposed “good neighbor rule” that is anticipated to be implemented next month.

The report highlights that utility companies’ ESG (environmental, social, and governance) commitments are also pushing for coal plant closures. Climate policies in Illinois and New Jersey are expected to decrease power generation by 8,900 MW. One question that arises from these developments is whether these states intend to depend on their neighboring regions for power supply.

In addition, there is another concern that demand for electric power will escalate as data centers proliferate, and the government pushes for the electrification of vehicles, heating, and other areas. The report highlights that Loudoun County, Virginia, features the “largest concentration of data centers in the world,” which will contribute to the surge in demand for power, the board notes.

“The report doesn’t say this, no doubt owing to political reticence, but the conclusion is clear. The left’s green-energy transition is incompatible with a growing economy and improving living standards,” says the board. “Renewables don’t provide reliable power 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and the progressive campaign to shut down coal and gas plants that do will invariably result in outages.”


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ce2017 No.365556

anti-slide 6755510000

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0b4492 No.365874

bumping essential news

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0b4492 No.365892

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0b4492 No.365893

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0b4492 No.365894



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0b4492 No.365895

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0b4492 No.365897


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0b4492 No.365898

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0b4492 No.365899

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0b4492 No.365901

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0b4492 No.365902

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0b4492 No.365903


8 ö ·íØ

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8 ö

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0b4492 No.365904


8 ö ·íØ

8 ö ·íØ

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8 ö ·íØ

8 ö ·íØ

8 ö ·íØ

8 ö ·íØ

8 ö ·íØ

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8 ö

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0b4492 No.365905


8 ö ·íØ

8 ö ·íØ

8 ö ·íØ

8 ö ·íØ

8 ö ·íØ

8 ö

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bf364d No.366015

anti-slide ×1m1²ºÛ³ÛáÊ‚2‚¸û

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31a6b9 No.366209


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275071 No.366312


producing a bump for real news production

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41d079 No.366561

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e138f0 No.366630

hydrogen and nuclear works great but we'd rather waste money on wind and solar that will both end up in landfills. this is what happens when you manipulate the market with carbon quotas instead of just investing in whatever the energy compamies want to build. fossil fuel will become economically unviable soon, at least in comparison to the untapped uranium and hydrogen floating around in the air and water that just needs to be filtered. i hate living in california…

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db83a5 No.366684

bumping forbidden news

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db83a5 No.366685


I agree. As for living in Commiefornia that must absolutely suck balls today.


I'll try to post a couple articles this week but I've been very busy. I'm expanding my garden, creating a massive 4'x16' composting & mulch crates and working in the greenhouse for planting seeds this year. Plus a bunch of other stuff to keep busy prepping for the future which will be self-sufficiency and resilience in a world gone mad.

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000000 No.366922

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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08d81e No.367837

Lets fix this: Make Communism Illegal Again!

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000000 No.367855

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.368336

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.368721

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7c7326 No.368860

bumping true news in a world full of liars

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b4beaf No.368971

bumping third world news triggering jews

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f2fabf No.369046


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35a7ab No.369433

bumping well documented news

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000000 No.369714

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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717a6d No.370004

bumping legit rational news

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073c63 No.370196

bumping popular legit news

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05c5f5 No.371397

bumping third world news

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533a2c No.371507

bumping educated news

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c37de6 No.371853

bumping common sense news

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717a6d No.372305

bumping independent news

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