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d7fa06 No.365466

The West Is Collapsing Because Their Leaders Are Bunch Of Coward People !

Source, More Info: ascensionjoy .com/forum/showthread.php?tid=77

There is no real leaders from the West !

That's why they are dying !

The secret controllers of the West and many countries from the East as well are refused to show up and refused to debate !

Because they fear their low level of knowledge will be known to their servants.

If I would have a chance to either debate to "compete" to show who can assist/help the public people, then they would not stand a chance.

Real leaders are the one who use his/her own decision making but not any "orders/command" from any other people/beings/entities.

Whether they make "correct" or "wrong" call for their nation, they are the one who will receive final result.

But sadly, in the modern today, there are too many stupid low level people who only know to make money but think they can "manage/assist" the public people.

That is the reason you see the world chaos but not the new world of happiness and interesting.

With the current pace, it is much better to use nuclear weapon to finish and settle everything rather than wait the stupid leaders both in the public and shadow to admit their mistake.

It won't happen because that is the nature of humans (full of ego with kids mindset).

If you guys want to save yourself and your family,

I highly recommend you guys read my sacred books because they contain many great information that will help you sail through the chaos times.

Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Buddha

Source, More Info: ascensionjoy .com/forum/showthread.php?tid=77

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