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8bde30 No.365419

WOKE TO BROKE: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Signs Bill Ending Disney’s Self-governing Status

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis on Monday signed a bill that takes control of a special tax district surrounding Walt Disney World that, as Reuters reports, for half a century allowed Walt Disney Co. to operate with an almost unprecedentedly high degree of autonomy.

The legislation, titled HB 9-B, ends Disney’s self-governing status, establishes a new state-controlled district and imposes a five-member state control board, which is appointed by the governor.

The board will also be confirmed by the state Senate.

“Today is the day the corporate kingdom finally comes to an end,” DeSantis said.

"Allowing a corporation to control its own government is bad policy, especially when the corporation makes decisions that impact an entire region."

The law also ends Disney's exemption from state regulatory reviews and codes and it ensures "that Disney will pay its fair share of taxes," DeSantis' office said.


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8bde30 No.365420


At least Disney won't be a huge hub for child sex trafficking and genital mutilation sacrifice anymore! Wonder how the demons will cope with this loss?

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85f335 No.365530

bumping legit news

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dbc231 No.365719

Bumping flabbergasting news

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113b54 No.366422

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.366780

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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