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Every six months when I log in, I remain flabbergasted that my admin permissions have not been revoked. I miss old fullchan!

File: 544868f7e2a40ca⋯.jpg (108.38 KB,1013x881,1013:881,PicsArt_10_29_04_201712140….jpg)

b3b156 No.365387

CLONER NATION returns to 8KUN!!

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f81eb3 No.365388


good!! I've been wanting to see some of these stupid worthless threads get cloned. Glad to see these losers in here have a new frustrating obstacle to deal with. Keep up the good work!

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036f21 No.365389

File: 44f857cd208e0f5⋯.png (907.78 KB,900x1280,45:64,PicsArt_05_17_02_03_32.png)


If there's anything I hate, it's people's threads. as if anybody cares about their stupid opinions, or the most recent thing they've been occupying their time with instead of getting a job.

conversely, if there's anything I love, it's watching those stupid threads get cloned.

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d6b658 No.365391

FUCK "THREADS" !!! They serve no purpose whatsoever and nobody gives a fuck. CLONER NATION FOREVER!!!

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e4a087 No.365392

File: b61026abf83be9b⋯.png (450.66 KB,2048x1090,1024:545,PicsArt_06_22_12_27_42.png)


It's been a few years since I've seen CLONER NATION ruining the chatting experiences of others.

feels good, man.

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