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Every six months when I log in, I remain flabbergasted that my admin permissions have not been revoked. I miss old fullchan!

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

dfd728 No.365335

YES!!! KILLCEN CONNECTS TO THE INTERNET!!ENJOYkillcen connecting to the internet

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dfd728 No.365341

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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dfd728 No.365344



The exact same reason why he can't watch YouTube videos, or any other streaming content, so that's why he pretends like DHS tapes and DVDs are preferable

(he doesn't have any money, and so far, he's been unable to convince his daughter to pay for 5G lightning fast home internet service)

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dfd728 No.365345


He lies about having barriers set up for security purposes, pretending he's a computer engineer exercising his master's degree in OPSEC

(he's so unknowledgeable about technology, that he can't even fabricate a plausible reason why his imaginary OPSEC could possibly prevent him from watching a simple YouTube video)

everybody knows the reason he can't stream any videos is because HE'S USING BACKWOODS TRAILERPARK DIAL-UP!!!

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dfd728 No.365346

File: 4c4a110c9523736⋯.jpg (232.5 KB,1328x1080,166:135,Picsart_23_02_12_14_05_12_….jpg)

File: 9f0d0a8901b31a5⋯.jpg (315.03 KB,1696x1080,212:135,Picsart_23_02_12_15_11_33_….jpg)

File: 8abef943c044870⋯.jpg (442.89 KB,1620x1080,3:2,Picsart_23_02_12_13_03_46_….jpg)

File: 5d54e99a8b9b05d⋯.jpg (248.98 KB,1080x2177,1080:2177,Picsart_23_02_12_11_42_53_….jpg)

File: e8a64b76294943b⋯.jpg (296.79 KB,1080x2177,1080:2177,Picsart_23_02_12_11_35_47_….jpg)

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c0a4f0 No.365347


MY COMMENT: HA! My broadband speed is more like DSL, it's a little faster than dial-up but not nearly as fast as cable service. I have satellite service, you have two choices in rural Missouri where I live: dial up or satellite. We get satellite out here which is just fine!! I can download, on average, up to 50kbps, depending the weather.

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dfd728 No.365348

File: bec063986318f12⋯.jpg (265.17 KB,1364x1080,341:270,Picsart_23_02_26_15_48_24_….jpg)

File: e4157e6039bcf3c⋯.jpg (438.55 KB,1080x2177,1080:2177,Picsart_23_02_25_18_16_33_….jpg)

File: c706958136abb24⋯.png (550.41 KB,1080x1553,1080:1553,Picsart_23_02_22_13_59_48_….png)

File: cae41108aa0d53d⋯.jpg (217.12 KB,1080x1118,540:559,Picsart_23_02_25_01_42_40_….jpg)

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c0a4f0 No.365349


I'm not a computer engineer or hacker, but I do know how to de-bloat older Windows operating systems via Admin tools and the system registry, takes some time to learn how to do it but most people can learn by experience, trial and error.

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c0a4f0 No.365350


>imaginary OPSEC could possibly prevent him from watching a simple YouTube video

I simply reverse engineered my web browser with about:config , I block Javascript to most sites, and nearly all third-party crap too! As far as youtube videos I can simply RIP THEM from Google's servers. There are tons of software programs that allow you to do that.

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dfd728 No.365351

File: 50151cd07ac84df⋯.png (640.62 KB,1080x1271,1080:1271,Picsart_23_02_27_14_12_03_….png)




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dfd728 No.365352

File: bec063986318f12⋯.jpg (265.17 KB,1364x1080,341:270,Picsart_23_02_26_15_48_24_….jpg)


I use mylightning fast T-Mobile 5G home internet gateway, and it's made everybody in my house healthier and younger since I've been using it

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dfd728 No.365353



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dfd728 No.365354

File: e11eda1a1730c94⋯.png (636.04 KB,1080x1278,60:71,Picsart_23_02_27_14_13_50_….png)

File: 5d54e99a8b9b05d⋯.jpg (248.98 KB,1080x2177,1080:2177,Picsart_23_02_12_11_42_53_….jpg)

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dfd728 No.365355


By the way, I'mNOT"better than you" simply because I've got more money than you…..

I'mNOT"better than you" just because I've got nice things and you still have a septic tank and dial up internet…


Those aren't the only reasons why I'm better than you

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dfd728 No.365356

the PRIMARY reason why I'm better than you isbecause I'M THE KING OF REAL NEWS

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dfd728 No.365357

File: e4157e6039bcf3c⋯.jpg (438.55 KB,1080x2177,1080:2177,Picsart_23_02_25_18_16_33_….jpg)

When this empty chat room thirsts forREAL NEWS, they all come looking for me because I have lightning fast 5G home internet with my wonderful T-Mobile 5G home internet gateway!!

and I don't mind having them rely on me for REAL NEWS

after all….. with yourdial-up internetthe only thing you can supply is OLD NEWS

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c0a4f0 No.365358


Again, about dial-up:

MY COMMENT: HA! My broadband speed is more like DSL, it's a little faster than dial-up but not nearly as fast as cable service. I have satellite service, you have two choices in rural Missouri where I live: dial up or satellite. We get satellite out here which is just fine!! I can download, on average, up to 50kbps, depending the weather.


My computer may be old but the system is very secure and I have SYS Admin tools that help me keep track of EVERYTHING running in the background, and it's all the bare basic stuff. I can simultaneously run 5 separate programs at one time and only use up around 10% of the total CPU…. this is on an old machine too. So not bad. Plus I've never been hacked or had any virus problem. Simply removing services like RDP remove around half of the vulnerability hackers use against older Windows anyway.

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c0a4f0 No.365359


That 5G is frying your brain stem, literally!!!!!

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c0a4f0 No.365360

Congress openly funded 5G towers as - in their own words they called them - "microwave towers" because that's EXACTLY what 5G is: microwave radiation!!!

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c0a4f0 No.365361

File: a587b590cd22216⋯.jpeg (98.55 KB,700x1000,7:10,nwo_great_reset_sources_1….jpeg)

File: 543995645645d67⋯.jpeg (81.8 KB,700x1000,7:10,nwo_great_reset_sources_1….jpeg)


Next they plan the 6(66) G which they desire plebs to implant into their own bodies for their dystopian Satanic transhumanist cult.

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