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06e46d No.365320



and he's got DIAL-UP

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1eee1e No.365321


Now I finally understand why he never has any real news

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27bd81 No.365322


I didn't realize he's still using dial up. I remember several years ago before I left here, back when it was still 8Chan, that insane old coot used to brag about having a dial-up connection, like it was something to be desired.

But now everybody finally understands why he never accesses real news

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f08d9b No.365324


yep!! all those years later

and he's STILL usingdial-up!!

with each year that passes, technology gets better and better….

so he has to keep fabricating more and more exaggerated storires with each passing year….

Because his "I'm an OPSEC MASTER" garbage looks more and more ridiculous every time technology gets faster and better

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