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e6e1a5 No.365262

They Are All Corrupt From The Top, They Treat People Like Animals

Source, More Info: ascensionjoy .com/forum/showthread.php?tid=76


Most of you the normal people are being treat like animals.

The top elites people don't know what is fair.


I have just publish my first ebook to enough people to be more creative.

And now I still have zero sales, not a single 1.

But guess what?

At one of the platform I put the book on sale I receive a negative common about SCAM. (https://www.kobo.com/ww/en/ebook/new-creation-new-society-new-world)

What the hell is that?

It is too obvious that some secret entities are targeting me and do not want me to help the world in the most safe, legal way via book.

Second example:

I was trying to register and use the most popular service for book distribution: ingramspark.

I do not a single dollar to use their products since they require both upfront money and 20% cut for any sales. (too expensive).

Because I saw their promotion "FREE" allow me to publish 2 books through them.

But guest what?

My application get denied because my country is from third world country in Asia.

They say my country do not good for "digital signature" ?!

What the shit was that?

Digital are always have zero border and all nations are the same.

Third Example:

My old Facebook account did not post a single post but only just trying to join "book group" pages but got banned instantly by their stupid automatic system.

Will never ever use Facebook ever again, no matter what happen !

That is just few examples to show how corrupt system which we are living in.

Despite the fact that I still have 10+ books I can publish and share to the world.

But I am feeling it just waste of time because the top elites people will pay money to destroy me and all of my books because they knew that once my sacred books be published, they are all finished and doomed !

Because all my creative books are the not only the truth but also fit into the "just enough level" to be read via the public people.

I am sharing this message in hope you the readers can send/forward to all the world military.

Also I am looking for donation to help me have money the publish my life changing books via premium (paid) book distributions services to the whole world.

Or you have buy my books/services which I am offering. But use my direct page please because it would takes 3 months to receive money from the middle man platform.

If you want to help me in silence, you can promote my books to the public people.

That is the best way to destroy the evil !

If any of you interested in work with me to promote my sacred book, feel free to contact me, you will receive something in return (either money/wealth or knowledge wisdom).

Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Buddha

Source, More Info: ascensionjoy .com/forum/showthread.php?tid=76

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